Page 20 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 20


                57    Infrastructure lacking, i.e. Drainage, public transport, cycle paths
                      (to promote sustainable travel)
                58    Traffic. Drainage. Sewage. Small village do not want to become a
                      large village. Ickford School wants to increase its size hoping that
                      housing development will go ahead. School development additional
                      classes will mean more traffic into Ickford, no parking. Ickford school
                      was and should remain a small village school, and not increase in size
                      to attract families from Oxfordshire or Thame.
                59    There would be too many larger homes and not sufficient smaller
                      affordable homes. The total number of houses projected at the moment
                      would make too much impact on the village and its amenities.
                60    I am a little concerned with regard to my understanding that 3 sites
                      have been identified which will mean over 100 houses. This is far too
                      many for the village taken into consideration the flooding and sewer
                      problem. Plus more traffic.
                61    The assumption is that because Ickford has a school and a shop and a
                      pub it is set up to cater for development. It is not. These amenities are
                      village-sized by their nature and the school especially could not
                      support a doubling of the population through the enormous
                      developments proposed. Nor could the roads, the ancient bridge over
                      the Thame, or the eco-system of the area, which has significant value.
                      For example, an ecological survey stored on the AVDC website
                      covering the plans for the Pound Green Field developments (https://
                      ?activeTab=summary&keyVal=OKNNJPCLLEK00) states that there are no
                      records of Great Crested Newt in the area until Shabbington. This is
                      incorrect: we can provide a survey that records Great Crested Newt
                      in 2012, and which identifies both the private ponds in Little Ickford
                      and the village pond nearby as suitable habitats for GCN in 2014.
                      Giant developments such as those proposed for Ickford would clearly
                      be detrimental to the established ecology of the area. Flooding is part
                      of this and is also of enormous concern. The fields around the village and
                      the orchards in Little Ickford flood regularly. This is a water meadow area
                      and the village has flooded often in the past and anyone who lives here
                      knows that the village is a small island in a flood plain with a high water
                      table. Massive development on the scale proposed would create
                      displacement flooding affecting houses and roads. The road between
                      Shabbington and Thame already floods regularly cutting off access to the
                      village and driving traffic over the C17  bridges to Tiddington or out
                      through Worminghall. This traffic would be doubled whilst at the same
                      time the flooding would undoubtedly become worse, creating huge
                62    Increased traffic causing increased congestion in the village particularly
                      the bridges where some sort of traffic management system would need to
                      be constructed. The school area is very congested at the present at school
                      drop off and collection times. It will cause delays out of Tiddington at the
                      junction of the A418. At 8–8.30am it is currently very difficult to get onto
                      the A418. Most developers do not allow for 2-3 cars per household. They
                      quote one, which is wholly unrealistic. I have grave doubts that in the
                      event of any building, that the improvement to the infrastructure –

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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