Page 15 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 15


                                         109    The site in Turnfields is a possibility if the number of dwellings is reduced.
                                                Ickford is designated a medium village and this site will provide some
                                                dwellings that sit within the inner curtilage of the village.
                                         110    There are 30 houses planned off Turnfields. 66 planned for east of
                                                Worminghall Road. 49 planned for Pound Green Field. I have no
                                                complaints about the Ickford School development but the other
                                                planned developments (above) will change the village dramatically in
                                                a very short time. 145 houses equals probably 600 people at the least
                                                and the village infrastructure is not able to cope with this.
                                         111    The end of Turnfields make more sense than the other places, with
                                                two large developments in the pipeline, the empty field left will
                                                eventually have houses to make us a small town rather than a village.
                                                More suitable housing for younger families and youth and must be
                                                affordable, not big 5 bedroom homes. Locals are now pushed out of
                                                the village due to high prices.
                                         112    Only where there isn’t existing open field space, like in-filling
                                                between housing, otherwise it will end up not being the countryside
                                                any more.
                                         113    The land at the end of Turnfields or the field opposite the turning into
                                         114    Behind the allotments.
                                         115    North of playing field. Keep it within the existing footprint of the
                                                village and not extending the village towards the Shabbington Road.
                                                Don’t want the village to sprawl towards Shabbington and
                                                Worminghall by building on greenfields.
                                         116    Anywhere where it doesn’t affect the landscape.
                                         117    In-fill around the edge of the village, minimising the visual impact to
                                                the village perimeter.
                                         118    Any site chosen needs to have drainage and flood prevention measures
                                                in place before construction commences. Proposed sites on
                                                Worminghall Road have already been rejected in the draft VALP and
                                                both sites propose higher levels of housing than is in keeping with the
                                                character of the village. Proposed CALA HOMES development
                                                would result in significant and disruptive construction traffic with
                                                further deterioration in road condition. Only the ‘Turnfields’ site
                                                offers a suitable size and location for development.
                                         119    Anywhere suitable.
                                         120    Turnfields Road already in place. Young people are needed. Older
                                                residents have since left Ickford. Different reasons, one being, better
                                                transport, bus service. Not needing to travel so far by using cars
                                                producing so much traffic.
                                         121    Not really worried about location.
                                         122    In Shabbington.
                                         123    Land off Turnfields – planned for future development, with access
                                                road already in place. Recreation area becomes centre of village and
                                                village not just a ribbon settlement.
                                         124    Worminghall Road.
                                         125    The HELAA (v4) has identified the site at Turnfields as being the
                                                only acceptable site in the village at the present time. It has
                                                limited impact on the historic layout of the village, nor the

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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