Page 21 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 21


                                                drainage and sewerage network will take place. If Thames Water deem
                                                it more financially viable to them to use more pump lorries over the
                                                vast cost of new drains & sewers in Ickford, then they will use the
                                                extra lorries – at the expense of the people on the junction of Church
                                                Road and Worminghall Road.
                                          63    Affordable housing has been built twice before during my lifetime
                                                living in the village (35 years). Each time, they have gone to deserved
                                                people who need them. However, they have then sold them at market
                                                price and they are instantly no longer affordable. We then need to
                                                build more for those who need them and the pattern repeats itself. It
                                                is utterly pointless building affordable houses that do not have a fixed
                                                price and selling on means tested criteria attached. There is no housing
                                                crisis for any other type of house. Look on ‘Right Move’, there is supply.
                                                The only need is for affordable housing and the only point of building
                                                them is if they remain affordable. The village does/could support another
                                                few larger houses as family housing is in big demand with the great
                                                school, that combined with affordable will be fine.
                                          64    There is so much water in Ickford that more housing is going to mean
                                                there is even less areas for the water to disperse there will be more road
                                                drainage with nowhere to go. The more that gets concreted over the more
                                                problems we are having. The water doesn’t go away it just gets pushed to
                                                the slightly lower houses with a disastrous outcome. We have, down
                                                Church Road, bowsers to take the water away when it is raining, this is a
                                                temporary fix and they can’t get rid of enough. We cannot understand
                                                what on earth the Council is thinking about considering adding more
                                                concrete and houses in such a vulnerable area.
                                          65    Flooding of drains/roads.
                                          66    Traffic increases. Limited infrastructure to support the growth in
                                                population. Excessive expansion of school on relatively constrained
                                                site. Nothing for teenagers so they ‘hang around’. School access and
                                                choice for secondary school. Medical services.
                                          67    Traffic already bad, especially around school. Two small bridges in
                                                Bridge Road are also a problem already.
                                          68    Pressure on the existing failed sewer systems and river flood levels.
                                                The feeder roads into the village must raise concerns. School
                                                development – How do they propose to improve parking issues. We
                                                must be over capacity NOW!
                                          69    That the infrastructure should support any increase in the population
                                                and the development work may be very disruptive.
                                          70    My concerns: Increased traffic, sewerage/water – this could become
                                                overloaded. Also need to keep a shop in the village especially for older
                                          71    Increased risk of flooding to the lower lying parts of the village and
                                                more traffic.
                                          72    1. The sewerage system won’t cope! Thames Water must be made
                                                to invest in the system so that our toilets/showers work in periods of
                                                wet weather.
                                                2. Surface water drainage. We are very vulnerable to flooding and
                                                more development won’t help.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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