Page 24 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 24


                90    The infrastructure of Ickford could not cope with more houses. The
                      village needs a massive upgrade in both sewer and stormwater
                      provision. Also the road cannot possibly cope with the heavy plant
                91    Serious drainage problems every year in Sheldon Road and
                      Worminghall Road.
                92    Even though Ickford has been classed as a medium village, it still
                      maintains a character of a small quaint English village. Last of old
                      English strongholds. So many villages and small towns have lost their
                      original characters, due to the incompetence of successive
                      governments. I know that we must move with the times, but let’s not
                      kill Ickford with building expansion that greatly exceeds the current
                93    •   Too many people too few facilities.
                      •   School’s capacity (Ickford & other villages).
                      •   Profiteering by landowners.
                94    Traffic access, movement. Pressure on village school.
                95    More traffic. More noise. School not big enough. More people!!
                      Roads not able to cope. Danger to school children with more traffic.
                      Village losing its village ‘feel’.
                96    Too many houses would change the character of our village and make
                      it into a small town. The infrastructure cannot cope now.
                97    Flooding/sewage. Impact on local amenities - school/roads environment.
                98    If too many houses are built, the impact on local resources i.e. school, GP.
                      Primary school in Ickford is already massively over subscribed so too
                      many new homes increase this. Drainage and sewers are already a
                      problem in the village, so addition of houses will increase this problem.
                99    Wrong and unfair to affect lives of existing villagers.
               100    Too much traffic going through village. Can school accommodate?
               101    Water Supply. Also flood water – drainage.
               102    The present village has approx. 280 homes and 550 residents. The
                      three proposed developments together would add another 150 more,
                      an increase of 50% on a village that has one already oversubscribed
                      school, narrow and winding access roads and a very poor and
                      overwhelmed sewage system. There is absolutely NO requirement for
                      so many new houses, we are a village, not a suburb of Thame.
               103    More traffic. More parking problems.
               104    The totality of applications would swamp the village and totally
                      change its character.
               105    Traffic – on weak bridges – for construction and new residents.
               106    Ickford is a rural village not a suburban dormitory. The proposals seen
                      so far will not add to the village in a positive way but will spoil the
                      character of the village whilst not bringing the things it needs.
               107    Flooding risks and sewage capacity plus roads and access are limited.
                      Poor public transport would mean increase traffic, noise and air
               108    Too big.
               109    In the case of the proposed Turnfields development, extra traffic
                      including the construction traffic along Turnfields a residential road,
                      with 30 plus houses proposed on Turnfields development that would

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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