Page 25 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 25


                                                increase traffic by at least 30 cars but in reality up to 50 plus cars. It is
                                                a real worry of residents in Turnfields that the road will become very
                                                busy with extra traffic. With the obvious extra traffic it seems NO
                                                thought has been given to a further entrance to site from the main
                                                entrance road into Ickford. One narrow residential road already
                                                clogged with cars is expected to cope with a big increase in traffic.
                                                With any largish development in the village two entrance exits from
                                                any development should be considered. The road system in the village
                                                is old and most are bad and in need of repair. The exit from the village
                                                at the Little Ickford end is narrow and badly maintained. With extra
                                                traffic generated this will only get worse, unless action is taken to
                                                improve. The sewage and water system is not up to coping with even
                                                30 extra houses, sewage is a problem now, plus flooding may become
                                                a problem despite the planners obvious input on the flooding issues.
                                         110    Ruining character of village; development outside the curtilage;
                                                flooding; sewage and foul water removal; traffic in around and
                                                through the village; light pollution.
                                         111    The excessive housing development in the village that has been proposed
                                                will inevitably detract from the character of the village and have a negative
                                                impact on the close community feel that currently exists. I have witnessed
                                                first-hand the detrimental effects of excessive local development on the
                                                ‘feel’ of a local community. Additionally, the growth in traffic, both within
                                                the village itself that would result from the additional 2 plus cars per
                                                additional household would cause considerable increase in both noise and
                                                traffic. There would also be a similar growth in the volumes of traffic on
                                                Bridge Road and Ickford Road.
                                         112    Increased traffic on Worminghall Road, especially from access road to
                                                potential site next to the Rising Sun. Plans for 66 houses could result
                                                in a further 120 cars using already crowded and dangerous road and
                                                hazards to parents and children going to and from the school and the
                                                nursery. There is only one footpath, and this is very narrow, especially
                                                near the Rising Sun. School places. The school is currently unable to
                                                provide places for all children of primary age in the village, which
                                                means that some parents have to drive their children to Oakley. Even
                                                without the construction of more houses in Ickford, the school needs
                                                additional classroom space. If more houses were to be built the school
                                                would not cope. Flooding: Worminghall Road has frequently been
                                                flooded. Over the past few years tankers have been employed day and
                                                night to transport flood water mixed with sewage from the drain at
                                                the top of Church Road to prevent flooding of houses in Church
                                                Road. Ditches in Church Road. Many houses in Church Road and
                                                Worminghall Road have been flooded due to height of water table and
                                                overflowing of main drains which cannot cope with drainage from the
                                                present number of houses in the area. The field and car parks behind
                                                42 Worminghall Road flood every winter.
                                         113    The layout and density of buildings will impact upon the drainage/
                                                sewerage services as well as traffic/parking/access and highway safety
                                                – particularly in Turnfields. The site, Pound Ground Field, proposing
                                                49 houses is unacceptable in scale. Site east of 42 Worminghall Road
                                                proposals is also unacceptable in scale

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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