Page 22 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 22


                73    Impact on flooding. Current infrastructure cannot cope. Loss of
                      outlook/amenities for current housing.
                74    I am concerned that there is too much at one time. A gradual increase
                      would be more acceptable.
                75    Too many are proposed: there is not sufficient infrastructure, no easy
                      access to town, and the strain extra housing will put on drainage/
                      sewerage will be excessive.
                76    Can the existing village infrastructure cope with a rapid increase in
                      housing? Can the school accommodate the influx of children. None of
                      the proposals have adequately explained the potential impact on
                      drainage and sewerage systems in the village. Ickford sits on a flood
                      plain and is periodically flooded . The pumping station cannot cope at
                      these times now so how will new housing impact this situation in the
                      future?  Will the new housing significantly increase traffic in the
                      village?  Not just cars, but delivery vehicles and others.
                77    All villages must take their share of providing further housing but this
                      must not be at the cost of the people already living there and
                      development must not lose sight of the historical position of our
                      ancient village. Our village was once two small hamlets which have
                      been joined together, there are a number of historically important
                      houses in the village, and there have been a number of new housing
                      developments over the years. Over development has occurred in
                      many villages to the detriment of the village, we must preserve to the
                      best of our ability these villages. To allow a development adjacent to
                      historical houses would forever distort the balance in the village. It is also
                      inconceivable that anyone would allow a development outside the
                      boundaries of the village, which would change the nature of the small
                      rural village for ever..... The additional 150 plus houses would put a strain
                      on our already over worked drainage system. The occupants of Church
                      Road already have to have their storm drains emptied throughout the year
                      to prevent their houses being flooded. Flooding in our village is a real
                      problem, ask anyone to share their photos with you. In addition there
                      would be a huge increase in the amount of traffic and heavy vehicles which
                      would have to use the bridges in Ickford or Shabbington. Lastly the school
                      is already over subscribed. There would not be enough places for the
                      occupants of a large development. We have a limited bus route to Thame
                      and neighbouring places.
                78    There are a number of concerns: infrastructure – the road over the
                      historic humped-back bridges over the river (bridge has a date of
                      1685 on it), is narrow and not designed for large construction lorries
                      or the volume of traffic that 3 new developments would bring. The
                      removal of the historic stone bridge in Shabbington, and its
                      replacement with a mundane metal construction has done nothing to
                      enhance that village. There would be an outcry if any attempt were
                      made to ‘upgrade’ the river crossing in Ickford. The school is a
                      tremendous asset for the village and wider area. Can it cope with an
                      increase on the scale foreseen by these proposals?  The head teacher
                      clearly thinks not. I am concerned that developers would fund their
                      proposals by building large expensive houses, rather than the starter,
                      or affordable properties that are needed to sustain the village.

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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