Page 19 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 19


                                          41    It is going to increase traffic through the village which is already so
                                                busy, especially as the school is full and are wanting to get a few more
                                                students there. The character of the village will change as it is all about
                                                the ‘small village of Ickford’.
                                          42    Completely alters the character of the village and further increases
                                                the traffic which is already busy!  The school is full – as it services not
                                                only Ickford but the surrounding villages that do not have a school.
                                          43    Change in character of a very enjoyable village. Would the village be able
                                                to cope with any more than 25 homes bearing in mind that it is on a flood
                                                plain and there would be a vehicle movement of approximately 4 vehicles
                                                per house per day?
                                          44    Increase in traffic and noise. Potential increase in crime.
                                          45    The proposal at present – too many, too soon, over several sites.
                                                Overload on already straining sewerage and electricity. The water
                                                table, lack of mains gas, increased noise and traffic through the village
                                                at peak times, parking problems, poor bus service. Do not want an
                                                increase in street lighting. All the above would contribute to ruining
                                                what is a quintessential village making it a suburb. A strain on an
                                                already over subscribed school.
                                          46    The proposal at present – too many, too soon, over several sites.
                                                Overload on already straining sewerage and electricity. The water
                                                table, lack of mains gas, increased noise and traffic through the village
                                                at peak times, parking problems, poor bus service. Do not want an
                                                increase in street lighting. All the above would contribute to ruining
                                                what is a quintessential village making it a suburb. A strain on an
                                                already over subscribed school.
                                          47    No houses, flooding. Each house would require two cars for modern
                                                family living. There is no local employment.
                                          48    Flooding.  Turnfields has a sewage problem already with regular
                                                blockages. With a lot of children living up that road they won’t be
                                                playing out the front of the houses as they do now with the extra
                                                traffic. Already a lot of vehicles up there parked at the weekend and
                                                out of hours. The work vans want to be parked outside their homes
                                                not 100m down the road with all these van thefts going on they are
                                                their livelihoods. Construction traffic up and down Turnfields will be
                                                a nightmare for the residents.
                                          49    Too many houses crammed into every small space. Also ensure there
                                                is plenty of off road parking e.g. a minimum of 2 cars for a 2 bedroom
                                                property (ideally at least 3).
                                          50    Somewhere that isn’t on a flood plain where the infrastructure can
                                                cope, which it doesn’t currently. There have been numerous occasions
                                                where raw sewerage has come up through the drains in Church Road.
                                          51    Drainage and access .
                                          52    Traffic increase.
                                          53    Traffic. Over stretched services (water, sewage, primary school etc.)
                                                Village will lose its character.
                                          54    See above.
                                          55    Sustainability.
                                          56    Over development leading to permanent damage to a historical

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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