Page 23 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 23


                                                The average house price in the village is way beyond the average
                                                wage. The Pound Ground area has medieval ridge and furrow which is
                                                an important part of the heritage of the village and its agricultural,
                                                working class history.
                                          79    The main issue I have is with increased volumes of traffic through the
                                                village and access to the new houses. For Turnfields a second route of
                                                access should be included so that traffic can enter via the road leading
                                                from the pond to Ickford Road. This would avoid additional traffic on the
                                                difficult corner by the pond and through Turnfields. For Pound Ground
                                                Field the access to Ickford Road or the top of Worminghall Road would
                                                prevent vehicles having to travel through the village. I am also concerned
                                                about the lack of facilities for young people (especially young teenagers)
                                                and ways in which they can be kept entertained. We do not want groups
                                                of youths hanging around the bus stop and field, especially at night.
                                          80    The proposal for the land east of 42 Worminghall Road is far too large and
                                                encloses the current houses, so that it will be more like living in a town
                                                than a village. The access roads are not sufficient for a large number of
                                                additional people (2 of the 3 access roads have single track bridges)
                                                moving in and out of the village, particularly at busy times and during
                                                school drop/off and pick-up times. The current sewerage/water system
                                                cannot cope with the number of people who live here now. The proposed
                                                system for holding back water/effluent on this large development is very
                                                unlikely to work and will just create problems later on. We do not need
                                                additional large houses proposed on this site.
                                          81    The village will lose its rural feel. We moved here as we liked the small
                                                size of the village and the community spirit that comes with this.
                                          82    Impact on roads, waste water.
                                          83    Drainage problems. Traffic, especially around the school. Noise.
                                          84    This is just greedy property developers that have all jumped on the band
                                                wagon to make money whilst ruining the village we chose to live in.
                                          85    Traffic increase on single tracked roads i.e. Bridges and Rocky Lane.
                                                Sewage and flooding increasing. Any development on the North side of
                                                Sheldon Road would cause more water ‘run off’ which has to go through
                                                the village to get to the river. Most people chose to move to a small
                                                village for its character with the ‘village feel’. We are a small village but
                                                have been classified as medium due to the amenities which have been kept
                                                going by the villagers. So we are now being penalised for doing that by
                                                being made to have 50 more houses because of the classification. Once the
                                                50 have been allocated, property developers will continue to push for
                                                more developments to the village in the future.
                                          86    One of the village’s assets in the unique variation of houses on one road,
                                                e.g. Ickford Road, Little Ickford. This will be spoilt with large estates. The
                                                village facilities – roads, shop, school cannot accommodate much more
                                          87    Infrastructure to support all services. Especially sewerage. Tankers used to
                                                empty sewerage and flood water now without additional housing.
                                          88    Additional school places for primary age. Additional school buses for
                                                senior age. Increased traffic on village roads. Increased noise levels in
                                                rural area.
                                          89    Traffic – congestion.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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