Page 17 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 17


                                          10    Increase in road traffic (speed is an issue too). Pressure on services:
                                                transport, drains, school, bridges, traffic. Losing the sense that this is
                                                a village. Decrease in safety.
                                          11    Lack of infrastructure to support more than 20-25 additional homes.
                                          12    The village drains already can’t cope with all the water where it floods.
                                                Parking is terrible and dangerous on the main road near the shop.
                                          13    We are on a flood plain. Drainage of water. Problems with sewerage.
                                          14    Drainage, flooding and increased traffic levels.
                                          15    Identity of the village with large scale development would be lost.
                                                Not in keeping with recommendations. School is at capacity with
                                                current intake of pupils which has risen over the years as it is. Village
                                                served by narrow country roads – increased development would put a
                                                strain on the road network – traffic, risk accidents, noise and
                                                congestion. If all 3 sites approved it would take the village over
                                                growth target. Current drains do not cope with usage necessitating
                                                the use of tankers during periods of the year. Flooding in the village is
                                                already a problem which will increase with any additional housing.
                                          16    Infrastructure: The village has no gas supply, so 100 houses will mean
                                                100,000 litres of heating oil will be stored on ‘our island’. The roads that
                                                service the village are single track with poor visibility. The roads are in
                                                very poor repair with slippage at the edges, numerous pot-holes, a lack of
                                                footpaths and the bridges are not suitable for construction traffic or the
                                                proposed increase in cars  (average is 2 per household so 200 cars or 400
                                                extra crossings per day). The primary school is full and even plans to
                                                expand are for the existing pupils. I live 200m from the school but have to
                                                drive to Oakley to school my two children.
                                          17    Road system already stretched. School traffic. Extra load on already
                                                weak drainage/sewerage system.
                                          18    Drainage, flooding, traffic increase affecting existing buildings –
                                                Ickford already suffers from flooding and drainage problems. My
                                                house shakes when traffic passes causing increasing cracks to plaster
                                                and brickwork.
                                          19    Flooding, sewerage, infrastructure are inadequate. Traffic congestion.
                                          20    I live in Turnfields and like the view across the allotments and fields
                                                beyond – watching nature at its best – it would concern me about the
                                                safety of our children who currently play at leisure in Turnfields.
                                          21    Flooding. Traffic over bridges. Sewerage.
                                          22    I am seriously concerned about lots more homes – we will lose
                                                beautiful green space and eventually become one town. I love our
                                                village it really shouldn’t change this much. It devalues our homes in
                                                my opinion and I wouldn’t want to live here. I wouldn’t have even
                                                thought to view a house here if I knew all these changes were to happen. I
                                                paid for village life NOT busy city life. Close friends, village traditions and
                                                peace is why I chose here. Why change it so dramatically? Pressure on
                                                roads – little bridges, parking is a nightmare during school events. Quiet
                                                peaceful village becoming a place for children/teenagers hanging around
                                                – I bought my house for the peace and village life. Pressure on school.
                                          23    Social housing – tenants causing issues (we have experienced this
                                                before!). Extra traffic on roads, which in parts are single track.
                                                Parking if driveway space is not included in new builds. Construction

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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