Page 16 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 16


                      conservation area. The proposed site at Turnfields aligns more
                      with existing development patterns rather that extending into the
                      open countryside. Over the plan period, other windfall sites may
                      come forward – infill sites between buildings etc. The HELAA does
                      state that some villages do not have the capacity to meet housing
                      requirements due to constraints. I would argue that Ickford is one
                      such village due to historic settlement pattern, flood risk and
                      infrastructure. The Draft Local Plan states at para 4.77: Additional
                      development in the medium villages will only be permitted in
                      exceptional circumstances where it can be demonstrated that sites
                      allocated (either in the Local Plan or Neighbourhood Plan) are not
                      coming forward at the rate anticipated. Whilst there is a need for
                      housing identified in the HEELA, the village does not have the
                      capacity for an additional 115 houses.
               126    Ickford Village should be kept as a village. New developments should
                      be in areas that are looking to grow and have the infrastructure such
                      Aylesbury, Bicester or maybe Thame. More houses will change the
                      look and feel of what is currently a lovely village.

                 Question 5

               What concerns do you have about potential housing developments in the
               village? (132 answered)
                 1    Lack of infrastructure. Flooding increase due to increased run-off
                 2    Increase in traffic. Increase in numbers of people and houses changes
                      overall nature of village over time.
                 3    It will spoil the village – it is a nice, quiet village. With more houses
                      being built – it most certainly will be spoilt.
                 4    Flooding – already we have had several major floods (and are on a
                      floodplain!). No access for emergency vehicles (my son is under the
                      heart transplant team and I am aware of others at risk). Traffic – major
                      problems already noted regarding parking and access to village
                      particularly around the shop and school. Backed up sewerage, post
                      flooding. Safety to children and pedestrians. Impact on ecology of area
                      (wildlife, meadow flowers and bats). Impact on linear structure of
                      village (building beyond the village boundaries blurs one village into
                      another reducing community identity).
                 5    New houses do nothing to cure existing problems of water, sewerage,
                      services etc. Roadways and bridges already in disrepair because of
                      heavy vehicles. Access by emergency services an issue on estate roads.
                 6    Lack of school places. Lack of drainage. Street lighting.
                 7    Overwhelming community integration. Land drainage – flooding. Car
                      parking capacity and access for emergency services. School capacity.
                      Transportation - public/road, conditions/highway maintenance.
                      Health and medical capacity.
                 8    Flooding and sewerage problems.
                 9    Flooding and bad sewerage.

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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