Page 18 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 18


                      traffic on roads which are not suitable. Lack of facilities such as doctor/
                      dentist. Parking at school as we already have a number of people that
                      park down our road in morning/afternoon.
                24    This changes the character of the village – it is no longer a village.
                      Increasing in size by 50% we lose all those aspects i.e. green fields, and
                      community which was why we came to the village,  not moved and
                      indeed why people have come into the village more recently.
                25    Land east of 42 Worminghall Road – too many houses – closes in
                      current houses. Proposal more like a small town, inappropriate.
                      Roads – poor quality and 2/3 exits from village have a single track
                      road – additional cars going past the school. Drainage already
                      overwhelmed during wet periods (major flooding at least 3 times).
                      Need additional sewerage drainage.
                26    The development on the land east of Worminghall Road would cause
                      an already busy road to be overloaded with traffic and with limited
                      pathways it would increase the potential of injury to pedestrians. The
                      village school is already oversubscribed and would need to be
                      developed. Parking outside the school at peak times is very disruptive
                      and makes access through the village almost impossible.
                27    My concerns are that it will spoil the village and will become
                      overcrowded, not at all in favour – particularly land off Turnfields.
                28    The current infrastructure cannot cope with the number of houses
                      that are currently in the village.
                29    The loss of the village character will be almost certain with one of the
                      larger developments.
                30    The current infrastructure cannot cope with the existing number of
                      houses and would therefore be totally unable to cope with any further
                31    Foul drainage capacity. Over development versus existing 250 homes.
                      School over subscribed already. Surface water drainage.
                32    School already has waiting list. Drains. Flooding. Traffic. Disruption of
                33    Increase traffic and pollution and impact on natural habitats for
                      wildlife. Flooding. The ability of current drainage system to cope with
                      increase sewerage.
                34    We get flooded and have sewage coming up already.
                35    These developments will open the flood gates to more and more.
                36    Lack of school places. Traffic increase. General infrastructure should
                      remain as for a small village/local workforce.
                37    It changes the character of the village. We have a lot of infill. Is there a
                      case for starter homes? Has anyone done a survey? Why have we not
                      been asked these questions before?  It seems late in the day.
                38    Traffic, noise, flooding. Drainage/sewerage. Loss of character/history.
                      Falling property values. Coalescence between villages.
                39    The Pound Field site would almost inevitably lead to the development of
                      the land east of Worminghall Road, leading to gross over development of
                      the village.
                40    All 3 developments will lead to the whole square of fields being
                      developed. Any one of the developments will leave an access into the
                      next field therefore potential to develop further.

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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