Page 14 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 14


                84    Land off Turnfields to complete building within centre of village. The
                      two other proposals encroach on green areas around the village.
                85    North of Turnfields’ allotments – least effect on residents.
                86    End of Turnfields.
                87    Turnfields is acceptable. The other two sites are opportunistic and
                      nothing more than greed on the part of the land owners. They do not
                      care if the village is overwhelmed.
                88    At the end of Turnfields. Pound Ground Field.
                89    Land off Turnfields, other suggested sites are rich in wildlife.
                90    Turnfields proposal.
                91    North of the village, as indicated on the map. The South floods easily.
                92    Incorporated into existing housing estates without breaking into the
                      countryside and with easy access to the shop and school so that
                      vehicles are not used to get there.
                93    Turnfields – it is spare land which does not overlook anyone.
                94    The proposal for Turnfields/Golders Close makes sense. It surrounds
                      the playing area for children to be safe and has less impact on the
                      village compared to new developments.
                95    The application for planning on the site off Turnfields looks to be the
                      best option in terms of location (away from main road, close to play
                      area for children etc.) and size.
                96    Land East of 42 Worminghall Road.
                97    Turnfields. Best place for traffic.
                98    Land off Turnfields. Land East of 42 Worminghall Road.
                99    Within the present limits of the existing housing, infilling where
                      possible. The useful aerial view of the village provided by Cala Homes
                      shows that the most obvious site and the one least likely to impact on
                      present residents is that at the end of Turnfields. This development
                      would provide an acceptable number of 30 or so new homes which
                      the existing village services could accommodate within the 15 year
                      time frame.
               100    Land off Turnfields. This would have the least impact on the character
                      of the village.
               101    Spread out, not an estate.
               102    In the centre so as not to extend the village boundaries too much and in a
                      site that can cope with the extra demands on utilities – presumably in the
                      vicinity of Turnfields.
               103    Land off Turnfields as the road and site allow the development to
                      blend in with existing housing.
               104    End of Turnfields, no flooding.
               105    I find it difficult to state with certainty, but I do see that the areas
                      already highlighted, like North End of Turnfields, are prime targets
                      for developers.
               106    There is only one suitable site – the land off Turnfields.
               107    The proposed site for the development using the land east of
                      42 Worminghall Road is a sensible option. It is adjacent to the
                      main body of the village and does not cause the village to ‘creep’
                      along Worminghall Road.
               108    Land off Turnfields as a last resort; but ideally none in this village.

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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