Page 13 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 13


                                                development has occurred in many villages to the detriment of the
                                                village, we must preserve to the best of our ability these villages.
                                                To allow a development adjacent to historical houses would forever
                                                distort the balance in the village. It is also inconceivable that anyone
                                                would allow a development outside the boundaries of the village,
                                                which would change the nature of the small rural village for ever. The
                                                additional 150 plus houses would put a strain on our already over
                                                worked drainage system. The occupants of Church Road already have
                                                to have their storm drains emptied throughout the year to prevent
                                                their houses being flooded. Flooding in our village is a real problem,
                                                ask anyone to share their photos with you. In addition there would be
                                                a huge increase in the amount of traffic and heavy vehicles which
                                                would have to use the bridges in Ickford or Shabbington. Lastly, the
                                                school is already over subscribed. There would not be enough places
                                                for the occupants of a large development. We have a very limited bus
                                                route to Thame and neighbouring places.
                                          75    The area behind Turnfields, which backs onto the playing field is an
                                                obvious area for development with minimal impact on the broader
                                          76    I believe that the land off Turnfields would provide the right number
                                                of homes in the right location as it would balance out the housing
                                                around the roads in the village. My second choice would be the Pound
                                                Ground Field but I think that the size of this development is too large.
                                          77    The land off Turnfields. This is already designated for development
                                                and has an access road. The proposed development is about the right
                                                size for the village and looks reasonable from the plans presented to
                                                the village. It is situated between the playing field and open fields, so
                                                will not crowd the existing housing. This development is about the
                                                right size for Ickford. We need more smaller houses, as we already
                                                have plenty of large houses in the village, with the addition of Farm
                                                Close about 15-20 years ago.
                                          78    Land off Turnfields as it will be a smaller development and won’t have
                                                such an impact on the village. To build on the other two sites as well
                                                will double the size of the village nearly!
                                          79    If any building, access should be new and not from existing roads or
                                          80    Doesn’t matter.
                                          81    Not necessary to build any more. The village is not struggling. The
                                                open fields and country scenery is why most of us moved here. The
                                                roads are busy enough without creating more traffic and congestion
                                                and danger.
                                          82    Nowhere. However, should it happen it should be in line with the
                                                existing pattern of the village which is mainly linear. It should not
                                                break out into open countryside.
                                          83    No houses, but if so, just a few and a development of up to 30 houses.
                                                Regard should be given to the bends and humped back bridges at the
                                                Village Hall end of Ickford.  That road really cannot accommodate
                                                more traffic without an increased incidence of accidents. Worminghall
                                                Road is the sensible location.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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