Page 12 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 12


                      footprint. These villages are already very close together and
                      boundaries need to be carefully controlled. Once lost they are gone
                61    We have enough problems with the drainage and flooding, it must be
                      realised that we are living on the edge of a flood plain. We are in the
                      position that if it rains our garden is under water even in the summer
                      because of the high water table and has reached the back door when
                      heavy. There are times when we are unable to flush our downstairs
                      toilet as the water fills the bowl. Our electricity goes off as the water
                      rises underneath our floorboards. If there are more buildings in the
                      school grounds, we could have even more problems. When the pre-
                      school building was put up the contractors had to ask us if they could
                      keep a pump going all night so they could put in a tank and that was in
                      the summer.
                62    Within the village boundaries.
                63    Where there is adequate drainage. Obvious reasons.
                64    Land off Turnfields.
                65    Land off Turnfields and east of 42 Worminghall Road – rounds off
                      village and visually not intrusive. Pound Ground Field – visually
                66    Either Turnfields or the land East of 42 Worminghall Road, since they
                      will fill out the centre of the village. Not Pound Ground Field, which
                      is outside the village centre.
                67    Land off Turnfields firstly. Pound Ground field secondly.
                68    On the land off Turnfields. The scheme by ‘Land & Partners’ seemed
                      to be a reasonable and modest expansion, still retaining green spaces.
                69    Land off of Turnfields – site would have minimal impact on boundary
                      of village and there is a suitable access road. If another site is needed,
                      the land behind 42 Worminghall Road is as suitable as anywhere else.
                70    Site beyond Turnfields – least effect on current housing.
                71    At the end of Turnfields because it causes less intrusion for other
                      peoples’ property rather than the other sites. Although there will be
                      more traffic in Turnfields and on Sheldon Road it is not as bad as extra
                      traffic on Worminghall Road and past the school.
                72    In the place that has been deemed suitable – only there.
                73    The Land off Turnfields site is the most suitable of the 3 proposals.
                      This is the site that has been proposed for many years; it is most
                      central to the village and has long been expected to eventually be built
                      on after the development of Golders Close and Turnfields in the
                      1980s. It is closest to the recreation grounds in the centre of the
                      village which provides safe off-road access to the School for young
                      children living in the potential new housing. Of the 3 sites it is the one
                      that could be most closely described as infill.
                74    I believe the Turnfields site is the best solution. All villages must take
                      their share of providing further housing but this must not be at the
                      cost of the people already living there and development must not lose
                      sight of the historical position of our ancient village. Our village was
                      once two small hamlets which have been joined together, there are a
                      number of historically important houses in the village and there have
                      been a number of new housing developments over the years. Over

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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