Page 11 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 11


                                          42    If any, they should be central to keep the village contained and not
                                                allowing the overall village size to become larger – the houses should
                                                be close to the amenities.
                                          43    I understand that some villagers would like starter homes for
                                                offspring to be able to stay in the village. These would be desirable
                                                and probably should be located centrally by the playing field and close
                                                to the school.
                                          44    In the middle of the village to stop expansion.
                                          45    At the end of Turnfields – there is already a road with a dead end as
                                                though anticipating further development. Also, modern housing
                                                would be in keeping with the 60’s development already there.
                                          46    At the end of Turnfields – there is already a road with a dead end as
                                                though anticipating further development. Also, modern housing
                                                would be in keeping with the 60’s development already there.
                                          47    No houses.
                                          48    Where the land is for sale down Worminghall Road that backs on to
                                                Golders Close.
                                          49    On the road between Little Ickford and the Shabbington Road. This
                                                would have little impact on the scale of current housing in the village.
                                          50    If this were to be undertaken, the Little Ickford side of the village is
                                                far less populated.
                                          51    Within the village boundary, not outside it.
                                          52    Not in Ickford!! Roads/drainage/utilities can’t cope with more
                                                housing and the associated construction heavy goods vehicles etc.
                                          53    Area at back of Turnfields. Smaller plot accommodating a smaller
                                                development of housing.
                                          54    This is a difficult question as the infrastructure is not set up for any
                                                kind of expansion.
                                          55    The identified sites could be suitable but not the number of
                                                properties that have been proposed. There must be consideration for
                                                safe access, and drainage (which is already a problem in this area).
                                          56    The projected development at the end of Turnfields would enclose the
                                                recreation ground making it more of a central part of the village. The
                                                proposed development (Cala Homes) would not impinge on the
                                                village but it would create far too much development if that and the
                                                Turnfields development went ahead. The projected one on Pound
                                                Field is too far outside the village as it stands at the moment.
                                          57    I think any site in the village will have some objections, I think the site
                                                by the playing fields is the most preferable.
                                          58    A couple of houses that are near to the relatively newer developments
                                                or interspersed amongst the current housing if appropriate.
                                                Conservation areas and the paths and fields between them should be
                                                preserved and inappropriate developments like the huge house at
                                                Neil’s Cottage, Little Ickford, should be avoided in future.
                                          59    The proposed Turnfields development as it is within the village
                                                envelope, and not at the edges where there could be a danger that the
                                                village ‘sprawls’ out of control.
                                          60    Some kind of infill around the other side of the playing field is the
                                                only viable option I believe. I would not be in favour of infilling right
                                                up to the Worminghall/Shabbington Road as that is simply too large a

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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