Page 105 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 105


          Table Three continued

         Responder  Comment     INP Reference              Comment                    Response     Change
          Number    Number    Page  Policy  Para                                                   Required

           11        22       24    F1          The Policy should refer to the sequential test,  Agree, these issues will  Change
                                                likely effects of climate change & highlight that,  mentioned in the text,
                                                where a flood risk assessment is needed, the  but not necessary for the
                                                suitability of conventional  SuDS will need to be  policy to be altered
                                                explored at site-level given the hydrogeological  significantly
                                                characteristics of the parish.

           11        23        25  ND1          This Policy should be amended to refer to  Agree to the first part of  Change
                                                ‘development’ or ‘dwellings’ rather than ‘new  these comments,  first
                                                buildings’ and ‘do not cause unacceptable harm’  however, there may be  sentence
                                                rather than ‘are not harmful’ in order to provide  proposals for buildings  of policy
                                                an appropriate scope and balance towards  outside the settlement
                                                achieving sustainable development within the  boundary which are not
                                                settlement boundary. For development outside  houses and do not respect
                                                the settlement boundary the policy should refer  the character of the
                                                directly to housing to reflect the default  countryside, e.g.
                                                avoidance of isolated homes in the countryside in  commercial buildings or
                                                the NPPF para 79, as there will be a range of  tourism facilities.
                                                countryside related development (including  Therefore ‘development’
                                                buildings) which will remain acceptable in  should be retained in the
                                                planning terms.                   second sentence.

           11        24        26  ND2          The final bullet point is considered overly  Agreed.  Change
                                                restrictive and should be amended to read ‘cause    policy
                                                unacceptable harm’ rather than ‘adversely affect’

           11        25        27  ND3          The final two bullet points should be combined  Agreed in principle, but if the  No
                                                and refer to proportional contributions to meet  developer offers over and  change
                                                the tests for planning obligations associated with  above the s106 tests, the
                                                the standards and policies in VALP. i.e  policy wording should not be
                                                “contributes proportionally towards any  preventing that from
                                                necessary improvements to green infrastructure  happening. The wording is
                                                including allotments, recreational facilities and  flexible enough for either
                                                community facilities in Ickford”.  situation, it is the planning
                                                                                  application process that will
                                                                                  determine the appropriate
                                                                                  level of contributions.
           11        26        30  ND4          This Policy is currently ambiguous and should  Agreed, there is no  Change
                                                identify specific preferences or requirements on  specific evidence  policy
                                                the basis of local evidence. I.e what proportion of  supporting the need for a
                                                affordable should be sought? Same as HEDNA &  particular size, type or
                                                VALP or different? What constitutes a “smaller  tenure of new home, so
                                                home” in this policy – is it 2-3 beds as the  replacement wording is
                                                explanation in para 9.19? Definition of terms and  welcomed. Also replacing
                                                clarity are needed to make the policy effective. In  ‘ more affordable’ with
                                                the absence of local evidence the policy could be  ‘less expensive’
                                                better worded “In new residential developments
                                                there should be a variety of dwelling types and
                                                sizes. In particular, schemes containing smaller
                                                more affordable market homes suitable for young
                                                families and affordable housing for rent and home
                                                ownership, will be supported.”
           11        27        30         10.1  Is there evidence to support the statement “These  There is some anecdotal  Change
                                                large vehicles have a serious impact on safety”? If  evidence of minor  wording
                                                not this should be weakened to ‘perceived safety’.  damage to cars. And
                                                                                  concerns expressed
                                                                                  through consultation.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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