Page 104 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 104


                 Table Three continued

                Responder  Comment     INP Reference              Comment                    Response     Change
                 Number    Number   Page  Policy  Para                                                    Required

                  11        17       21   BEH1        The policy needs to more closely reflect the 2019 NPPF  Agree, chapter needs to  Changes
                                                      which refers to the significance of designated heritage  be updated to reflect  to
                                                      assets and conditions the refusal of consent under para  NPPF which was  wording
                                                      195 due to substantial harm to a designated heritage  published in 2019  of chapter
                                                      asset “unless it can be demonstrated that the substantial  and
                                                      harm is necessary…” (designated asset defined in Annex  policies
                                                      2 includes conservation area). Similarly the setting of
                                                      designated and non-designated heritage assets should be
                                                      addressed by the policy, including where positive
                                                      contributions are made as per NPPF para 200 on the
                                                      setting of a designated heritage asset (which include
                                                      conservation areas) “Proposals that preserve those
                                                      elements of the setting that make a positive contribution
                                                      to the asset should be treated favourably”. There are also
                                                      similarities in the use of ‘retain’ and ‘conserve’ which
                                                      should be resolved either through the use of only
                                                      ‘conserve’ or otherwise defining both terms and
                                                      ensuring they are used consistently.

                  11        18       22          7.10 –  The text should have consistent terms between  Agree, chapter has been  Changes
                                                 7.13  ‘heritage assets’ and ‘historic environment’ and  reworded  to
                                                       clarify that the NP identifies additional assets &  wording
                                                       aspects of the historic environment which do not    of chapter
                                                       already have protection, the NPG may wish to        and
                                                       consider other elements of the historic environment  policies
                                                       beyond structures. Similarly greater consistency and
                                                       clarity should be made recognising  ‘buildings of
                                                       local note’ as ‘non designated heritage assets’. 7.12
                                                       implies there are other non-designated assets which
                                                       are not identified for inclusion, this inconsistency
                                                       should be rectified.
                  11        19       22   BEH3         The Policy should specify  that it identifies only  Agree  Change
                                                       non-designated assets and more closely reflect
                                                       NPPF para 197: “…a balanced judgement will be
                                                       required having regard to the scale of any harm or
                                                       loss and the significance of the heritage asset”.
                  11        20      23, 25,  Comments  The comments should not be included as part of  Do not agree, it is important  Format
                                    27, 30,            the Neighbourhood Plan document but is more  for residents to see their  change
                                     34                appropriate for inclusion within the consultation  comments in the NP.
                                                       statement required for submission.  Formatting could be changed
                                                                                        to separate the comments
                                                                                        form the text of the NP

                  11        21      23, 24,  Flooding  This chapter needs to more accurately reflect and  Comments have been  None as a
                                           and Drainage  distinguish between the multiple sources of flood risk  received from BCC and  result of
                                                       which are present in the Parish. This is particularly  Thames Water and  this
                                                       important when using technical terms such as Flood  changes made to the text  general
                                                       Zone 3 which relates to river-flooding only. The chapter  comment
                                                       should refer to the likely effects of climate change and
                                                       the latest guidance from the Environment Agency
                                                       regarding how flood risk should be considered for new
                                                       development as well as the sequential test set out in the
                                                       NPPF. Given the significance of this issue for the parish it
                                                       might be beneficial to secure input from the flood risk
                                                       specialists at Buckinghamshire County Council as Lead
                                                       Local Flood Authority. It would be beneficial to have
                                                       other sources (ground water, surface water) of flood risk
                                                       mapped and referred to within the Neighbourhood

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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