Page 101 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 101


           Table Two continued

         Responder  Comment     INP Reference               Comment                   Response      Change
          Number    Number    Page  Policy  Para                                                   Required
            9         1              F1         Thames Water support Policy F1 and its  Agreed to include  Yes
                                                requirement for development proposal to ensure  additional paragraph/
                                                that the level of flood risk does not increase and  policy as suggested.
                                                that where appropriate and effective SUDs are
                                                used to address surface water drainage.
                                                However with the above new charging schedule
                                                in mind we would request that additional
                                                supporting text requesting developers engage
                                                early with Thames Water is included to strengthen
                                                the section.
                                                 Text along the lines of: “Developers need to
                                                consider the net increase in water and waste
                                                water demand to serve their developments and
                                                also any impact the development may have off site
                                                further down the network, if no/low water
                                                pressure and internal/external sewage flooding
                                                of property is to be avoided. Thames Water
                                                encourages developers to use their free pre-
                                                planning service https://
                                                service can tell developers at an early stage if
                                                Thames will have capacity in their water and/or
                                                wastewater networks to serve their development,
                                                or what they will do if they don’t.   The developer
                                                can then submit this as evidence to support a
                                                planning application and Thames can prepare to
                                                serve the new development at the point of need,
                                                helping avoid delays to housing delivery

           Table Three – Comments arising from Consultation Process by AVDC

           Appendix –Table of AVDC Comments on the Ickford NP Pre Submission documents, May 2019

             Table A. comments on the Pre-Submission Plan

         Responder  Comment     INP Reference               Comment                   Response      Change
          Number    Number    Page  Policy  Para                                                   Required

           11         1      Through wording    The wording of policies needs to be tightened up  Comment welcomed  Changes
                              out               to ensure they are unambiguous, targeted and        made
                                                effective. In particular ‘shall’ or ‘will’ should be used
                                                throughout the policies in stead of ‘should’ or ‘will
                                                be expected to’; ‘where possible’ should be ‘unless
                                                special justification is provided’ – which in turn
                                                should include criteria for special justification.
                                                Terms included in policies should be defined or have
                                                a definition in the VALP or NPPF referenced, i.e
                                                ‘visual intrusion’, ‘smaller homes’

           11         2        7           1.2  If the basic conditions are to be listed they should  The full text of the basic  Yes, add in
                                                mirror the full wording of the conditions as per  conditions are complicated  reference
                                                NPPG  for the average reader to  to full text
                                                neighbourhood-planning—2#basic-conditions-  understand, particularly as  of the basic
                                                for-neighbourhood-plan-to-referendum.  they also refer to Orders.  considitions.
                                                                                  Reference to the source of
                                                                                  the specific wording can be
                                                                                  inserted, making it clear
                                                                                  that the bullet points are a

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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