Page 110 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 110


                 Table Three continued

                Responder  Comment     INP Reference              Comment                    Response     Change
                 Number    Number    Page  Policy  Para                                                   Required

                  12        13                         Whilst it is understood that this document has a  Noted  No
                                                       limited scope, there are a few omissions with       change
                                                       respect to biodiversity, details of which are
                                                       provided below:

                  12        14                         1.    In addition to productive farmland,  Noted and information  Change
                                                       hedgerows and watercourses, Ickford Parish  added   to text
                                                       encompasses one non-statutory site of nature
                                                       conservation interest, namely Waterperry Fields
                                                       Biological Notification Site (BNS). It is
                                                       recommended that updated information on
                                                       biodiversity assets within and immediately
                                                       adjacent to the Parish is sought from BMERC
                                                       (Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes
                                                       Environmental Records Centre [1], and that
                                                       Waterperry Fields BNS is mentioned in Paragraph
                                                       6.19. Development on or adjacent to non-
                                                       statutory sites should be avoided.

                  12        15                         2.    BMERC also holds a number of records of  Noted and information  Change
                                                       legally protected and notable species within and  added  to text
                                                       immediately adjacent to Ickford Parish, including
                                                       great crested newt, water vole, bats, badger,
                                                       protected and notable birds, notable invertebrates
                                                       and plants. Protected and notable species are
                                                       material considerations in planning applications
                                                       and should be fully assessed and mitigated for as
                                                       part of any development application.
                  12        16                         3.    The southern part of the Ickford Parish is  Noted and information  Change
                                                       located within the Thame Valley Biodiversity  added  to text
                                                       Opportunity Area (BOA). BOAs are the most
                                                       important areas for biodiversity in the county and
                                                       represent the regional priority areas of
                                                       opportunity for restoration and creation of
                                                       Priority Habitats. This information should be

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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