Page 100 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 100


                 Table Two continued

                Responder  Comment     INP Reference              Comment                    Response     Change
                 Number    Number    Page  Policy  Para                                                   Required

                   7         4                         Comment Sheet 4 mainly criticises the INP for  The INP has been
                                                       being “premature” on the grounds that the VALP  prepared as a result of a
                                                       allocation may be substantially increased as a  survey of residents, the
                                                       result in the VALP Inspe ctors final Report.  It  vast majority of whom
                                                       also criticises the INP for it’s “Hasty Preparation”.  were extremely
                                                                                        concerned that large
                                                                                        developments were being
                                                                                        planned, seeking to take
                                                                                        advantage of the lack of a
                                                                                        Neighbourhood Plan.
                                                                                        The Draft Plan has been
                                                                                        produced following a
                                                                                        second extensive survey
                                                                                        (with a 76% response
                                                                                        rate) and three “events” in
                                                                                        the Village.  The Draft
                                                                                        Plan has therefore been

                   8         1                         The settlement boundary at Annexe 1 should be  It is agreed that The  Yes
                                                       amended to included the land off Turnfields. The  Settlement Boundary
                                                       boundary is not currently consistent with either  should be increased to
                                                       the VALP or Policy ND3 of the Neighbourhood  include the two fields
                                                       Plan itself.                     north of the playing field
                                                                                        and allotments (i.e. the
                                                                                        proposed “Turnfields
                                                                                        site”.  (We need to check
                                                                                        with Sally that this does
                                                                                        not necessitate a
                                                                                        Sustainability Appraisal).

                   8         2                         In order to comply with the basic conditions  The INP accepts the  Yes
                                                       paragraph 9.8 requires amending. Paragraph 9.8  VALP allocation of 20
                                                       should refer to up to 30 homes to reflect the  homes and there is
                                                       imminent planning permission on the site north  nothing in the plan that
                                                       of Turnfields.                   precludes up to 30 homes
                                                                                        on the “Turnfields” site
                                                                                        provided all other policy
                                                                                        criteria are met and the
                                                                                        plans are approved by

                   8         3                          An outline planning application has been  The Ickford  No
                                                       submitted for up to 30 homes (17/02516/AOP)  Neighbourhood Plan
                                                       and is to be approved imminently pending final  Group cannot accept “is
                                                       sign off. An illustrative parameter plan has been  to be approved
                                                       submitted to demonstrate that up to 30 dwellings  imminently”, “is about to
                                                       is acceptable in planning terms and there is no  approved”, “planning
                                                       objection from any technical consultee to this  permission is to be issued
                                                       proposed amount.                 imminently” and “the
                                                                                        imminent planning
                                                                                        permission”. It will,
                                                                                        however, modify the plan
                                                                                        accordingly should
                                                                                        planning permission be
                                                                                        granted before
                                                                                        publication of the Final

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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