Page 102 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 102


                 Table Three continued

                Responder  Comment     INP Reference              Comment                    Response     Change
                 Number    Number   Page  Policy  Para                                                    Required

                  11         3        9           2.1  The NPPF was updated in 2019 and references to  Comment welcomed, NP  Update
                                                      it and individual paragraphs should be updated to  will be updated where  relevant
                                                      accord with the latest version.   necessary.         paragraphs

                  11         4        9           2.1  “The NPPF states” should be replaced by  Agreed.    Replace
                                                       “National Policy and Guidance states” or similar    reference
                                                       to reflect the changes in these since drafting.
                  11         5        10          3.4  A number of sources of flood risk are identified  Agreed.  Replace
                                                       in the document including from Rivers, Surface
                                                       water and Ground Water. This reference to
                                                       ‘category 3’ should be amended to Flood Zone 3
                                                       which relates to risk from river flooding.

                  11         6        12          5.2  The policies in the Neighbourhood Plan will be  Agreed.  Add in
                                                       used by AVDC as part of the planning judgement
                                                       when considering applications within Ickford. It
                                                       would be clearer to add to this paragraph
                                                       “alongside other relevant policies and material

                  11         7        13     Enviroment  The reference to flood risk reduction could be  Agreed.  Add in ‘to
                                                       made more specific, i.e ‘to reduce flood risk to    properties
                                                       properties within the village’ or ‘to minimise the  and roads
                                                       areas at risk of flooding from all sources’         within the

                  11         8        13     Traffic and  The first bullet point should better reflect the  Not all new developments  No
                                             Transport  tests for planning obligations for example reading  will be under planning  change
                                                       “To ensure new developments have stated plans  obligations, (e.g. work
                                                       for any necessary improvements of parking,  carried out by the Parish
                                                       accessibility and traffic flow”.  Council or permitted
                                                                                         development) and
                                                                                         therefore the insertion of
                                                                                         the word ‘necessary’ is too
                                                                                         detailed for the objective.
                                                                                         The policy wording is that
                                                                                         used in the determination
                                                                                         of planning applications

                  11         9        13     Community  As above, to be consistent with the use of  Agreed.  Change
                                              Facilities  planning obligations this bullet point should read  objective
                                                       “To ensure housing development has actionable
                                                       and enforceable plans and planning obligations to
                                                       enhance the community facilities”

                  11        10        16       Views   Paragraph 6.15 does not relate to views from the  Agreed.  Relocate
                                                from   rear of properties, nor would this be appropriate   text of
                                              the rear  as a spatial planning consideration. The paragraph  paragraph
                                                  of   could be better incorporated into the Landscape     6.15 to
                                             properties  section, eg. After 6.6                            after 6.6,

                  11        11        17  NE1          The policy would benefit from adding a reference to  Agreed.  Added
                                                       the 2008 Aylesbury Vale Landscape Character         reference
                                                       Assessment at the end of the first sentence, so the
                                                       first sentence finishes “…as informed by the 2008
                                                       Aylesbury Vale Landscape Character Assessment (as

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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