Page 108 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 108


                 Table Three continued

                 Table C comments arising from Consultation Process by Bucks CC:

                Responder  Comment     INP Reference              Comment                    Response     Change
                 Number    Number    Page  Policy  Para                                                   Required

                  12         1                         CC is supportive of Policy TT1, specifically; New  Noted  No
                                                       development in the parish will only be supported where  change
                                                       it can be demonstrated that any severe adverse impacts
                                                       on the road network would be mitigated and pedestrian
                                                       safety would not be compromised.
                  12         2                         This is supported by the NPPF, in particular  Agree with comments  Change
                                                       paragraphs 108, 109 and 110[1]. However, BCC        wording
                                                       suggest ‘…any severe adverse impacts on the road    of Policy
                                                       network…’ is amended to ‘…any severe adverse
                                                       residual cumulative impacts on the road
                                                       network… and highway safety would not be
                                                       compromised’. The reference to cumulative
                                                       impacts ensures developers take into account the
                                                       impact of sites in proximity, in addition to that
                                                       being specifically assessed. Whilst BCC
                                                       understand the Parish are concerned with respect
                                                       to pedestrian safety, referring to highway safety is
                                                       encompassing and would therefore be a reference
                                                       to both vehicular and pedestrian safety.

                  12         4                         Where the Policy states; ‘All development should  AVDC parking guidance  No
                                                       provide adequate off-street parking’, the Parish  is referenced, but is not  change
                                                       Council should take into consideration that BCC and  yet in place. (AVDC are
                                                       Aylesbury Vale District Council(AVDC) have both  using BCC standards, so
                                                       published guidance for parking schemes associated  the referenced standards
                                                       with new developments. We would advise that the  are a summary of the
                                                       Parish Council to look at AVDC’s Parking  BCC standards) Tandem
                                                       Guidelines when determining the number and size  parking is not helpful
                                                       of parking spaces required with new developments.  because it leads to
                                                       With respect to the references to parking, parking  parking on the highways
                                                       currently needs to be provided in accordance with  and it is hoped that the
                                                       the Aylesbury Vale Parking Guidance[2].  new guidance will make
                                                       Unfortunately, tandem parking is not restricted in  reference to this issue.
                                                       this guidance and as such the highway authority
                                                       would find it difficult to sustain an objection to such
                                                       a layout in an appeal situation

                  12         5                         Policy TT1 states that traffic calming will be  It is important that traffic  Replace
                                                       required. Traffic calming usually requires a TRO  calming is provided as  ‘appropriate’
                                                       and as such is subject to public consultation. In  part of potential new  with
                                                       addition, some elements of traffic calming require  housing development in  ‘required’
                                                       enforcement, such as a 20mph speed limit /  the village. Recignising
                                                       parking restrictions. As such, it is not appropriate  that any planning
                                                       to state that they ‘will be required’. It should  application will have
                                                       further be noted that the County Council would  requirements placed on
                                                       not support the implementation of a 20mph  the scheme by the
                                                       speed limit. Vertical traffic calming features are  Highways Authority, the
                                                       unlikely to be supported by the Highway  Np can refer to ‘required’
                                                       Authority as consideration should be given to the  traffic calming.
                                                       associated impact of such measures such as an
                                                       adverse impact on bus routes, noise, vibrations,
                                                       increased omissions and maintenance (and
                                                       possible bus routes). Horizontal traffic calming
                                                       also has implications and therefore further
                                                       research into what would be considered
                                                       acceptable would be required. The document

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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