Page 107 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 107


           Table Three continued

         Responder  Comment     INP Reference               Comment                   Response      Change
          Number    Number    Page  Policy  Para                                                   Required
           11        37        39      Annex 3  The discrepancy between ‘views’ and ‘key views’  Agreed  Change
                                                should be resolved                                  plan
           11        38        42      Annex 5  Any additionally defined terms should be  Agreed    Change
                                                included in an updated glossary. Flood Risk         plan
                                                should differentiate between Flood Zones (river
                                                flooding) and other sources.

           Table B. comments on the Background Evidence Report:

         Responder  Comment     INP Reference               Comment                   Response      Change
          Number    Number    Page  Policy  Para                                                   Required
                                       General  There are a number of strong statements and  The evidence report will be  Changes
                                                positions set out in the evidence report and in  revisited. However, the  made
                                                some instances seems to go further than the draft  evidence base may refer to
                                                plan and policies as to how sustainable  the evidence collected by the
                                                development can be achieved in the parish. It  Np team which does not
                                                might be beneficial to review the statements in  translate into a specific policy
                                                both to ensure the evidence supports and matches  in the Np, sometimes due to
                                                the proposed policies.            the difficulties in collecting
                                                                                  robust evidence, sometimes
                                                                                  because the issues are not
                                                                                  strictly land use based. The
                                                                                  Np has sought to reflect the
                                                                                  key issues identified in the
                                                                                  background report as far as
                                                                                  possible. A sentence has been
                                                                                  added to the introduction to
                                                                                  explain this.

                               5     Introduction  ‘How the Neighbourhood Plan fits within the  Amended
                                                Local Plan’  lines 14-16. This needs changing to
                                                say “In summer 2016, a Draft Plan was published
                                                and in Autumn 2017, the Proposed Submission
                                                Draft was published. The Plan was submitted for
                                                Examination in February 2018 and Examination
                                                Hearings took place in July 2018.
                               7          Table  The NPPF should say (2019) version  Agreed

                               9          Table  The VALP covers the period 2013-2033 . The  Agreed
                                                Aylesbury Vale Green Infrastructure Strategy was
                                                published in 2011.. Aylesbury Vale HELAA v4
                                                was produced in 2017.
                               7          Table  The NPPF should say (2019) version  Agreed
                               13         Box 3  The risk (severity and likelihood) of flooding is  Reference included
                                                expected to increase rather than ‘might’ – details of
                                                the projected changes under different scenarios is
                                                available in EA guidance on flood risk allowances.
                             14, 15       Key    Reference to the need for SuDS should be aligned  Reference included
                                         water   with NPPF para 163 in that development should
                                         issues  not increase flood risk elsewhere. Similarly
                                           for   conventional SuDS may not be appropriate due to
                                        Ickford  the hydrogeological characteristics of the parish.
                                                 The evidence document could include further
                                                 detail of groundwater and surface water flood
                                                 risk including maps.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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