Page 103 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 103


           Table Three continued

         Responder  Comment     INP Reference               Comment                   Response      Change
          Number    Number    Page  Policy  Para                                                   Required

                     12            NE1          The policy would be more effective if it set out a  Agreed  Add
                                                specific approach for necessary lighting as         reference
                                                proposed in VALP NE6 or alternatively set
                                                requirements in line with industry standards such
                                                as those produced by the Institute of Lighting
                                                Professionals for different environmental zones.

           11         13       18   NE2         Biodiversity is only one aspect of green  It is considered there is  No
                                                infrastructure and this presents challenges when  no need to repeat the  change
                                                trying to set requirements for both in a single  required standards for
                                                policy. For example the value of green  GI/open space that are
                                                infrastructure in supporting healthy, active living  set out in the VALP which
                                                and sustainable local access to parks, play areas  apply to new
                                                etc are not necessarily related to biodiversity.  It  development
                                                is recommended that two policies are formed,
                                                one setting standards for green infrastructure
                                                provision (including allotments) associated with
                                                development (see standards set in the Assessment
                                                of Open Space, Sports and Recreation Needs for
                                                Aylesbury Vale (2017)) and one providing detail
                                                on biodiversity net gain.

           11         13       18   NE2         The biodiversity policy will need a stronger  Agree, amend policy  Change
                                                position towards net gain as net gain is a stated  wording, but in line with  plan
                                                ‘aim’ in the draft plan and is in line with VALP  recommendations from
                                                and central Government guidance. To achieve this  Bucks CC
                                                the biodiversity  policy should read: “Policy NEx
                                                Biodiversity: Developments must provide
                                                appropriate green infrastructure that results in a
                                                net gain in biodiversity. The use of a recognised
                                                habitat impact assessment will be required to
                                                assess any development impacts and produce the
                                                net gains for biodiversity required.”

           11         14       19          6.28  This paragraph should be removed or amended to  Agree this sentence is  Remove
                                                address spatial matters i.e in landscape or  superfluous  6.28
                                                heritage terms.
           11         15       19   NE3         This policy requires further supporting evidence  Agree, this work has been  Change to
                                                in order to demonstrate how the proposed local  carried out and details are  Policies
                                                green spaces meet the limited circumstances for  set out in the supporting  Map and
                                                designation set out in the NPPF. This should  Background Evidence  policy to
                                                include a detailed assessment of all locally  Report  reflect
                                                identified areas and evidence that those selected   technical
                                                are demonstrably special and significant to the     work
                                                village. National guidance is clear that the
                                                majority of green spaces will not be appropriate
                                                for this designation. AVDC also require
                                                confirmation that the landowners for each
                                                proposed area have been notified of the proposal.
                                                The policies map should identify the local green
                                                spaces by name.
           11         16       20           7   This section should be reduced to those elements  Do not agree, the  No
                                         Built  which are necessary to support the policies, for  document is not  change
                                      Environment  example by highlighting particular characteristic  exclusively for AVDC
                                      and Heritage  heritage features. The heritage assessment in  Officers and developers.
                                                supporting information is the appropriate place  Heritage is an important
                                                for the detailed chronology of the settlement.  part of the NP and
                                                                                  residents would be
                                                                                  interested in resding about
                                                                                  the history of the village.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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