Page 109 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 109


           Table Three continued

         Responder  Comment     INP Reference               Comment                   Response      Change
          Number    Number    Page  Policy  Para                                                   Required
                                                could state that ‘consideration be given to traffic
                                                calming’. However, a number of factors will
                                                determine the appropriateness and therefore
                                                provision of such proposals, for example
                                                existing speeds through the village determined
                                                from surveys and the scale of development, as
                                                planning obligations must meet all of the
                                                following tests:a)  necessary to make the
                                                development acceptable in planning terms;b)
                                                directly related to the development; andc)
                                                fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to
                                                the development.

           12         9                         BCC understands the challenges in encouraging  Noted  No
                                                walking and cycling in the village due to the       change
                                                nature of the roads. However, the Council is
                                                supportive of sustainable travel and therefore
                                                welcomes any improvements to cycling and
                                                walking infrastructure. The Council would like to
                                                see the delivery of cycle paths and walkways as
                                                part of any new development that allows Thame,
                                                Oxford, Aylesbury and Haddenham and Thame
                                                Parkway station to be accessed without the use of
                                                a car. The County Council has no objection to the
                                                provision of improved footways through new
                                                developments, where appropriate.
           12        10                         In order to improve highway safety around  Noted
                                                Ickford School, the County Council would
                                                encourage parents to travel more sustainably. This
                                                is best accomplished by working with the school
                                                and BCC through the School Travel Plan
                                                Process[3]. By working with the County Council
                                                and introducing some soft measures to promote
                                                sustainable travel, parents can make adjustments
                                                to their travel habits. This will also promote
                                                mental and physical wellbeing for the children
                                                attending the school.
           12        11                         Concerns around the increasing numbers of  Noted
                                                HGVs travelling through the village, which pose a
                                                risk to road safety and also risk potential damage
                                                to grade II listed structures and road surfaces.
                                                Following the adoption of BCC’s Freight Strategy
                                                in 2018 and the subsequent employment of a
                                                Freight Officer, we would gladly work with the
                                                parish to investigate freight challenges and
                                                develop solutions appropriate to the scale of the
                                                challenge faced.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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