Page 106 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 106


                 Table Three continued

                Responder  Comment     INP Reference              Comment                    Response     Change
                 Number    Number    Page  Policy  Para                                                   Required
                  11        28       31          10.5  National Policy is clear that major development  Do not agree to removing  Add in
                                                       sites should demonstrate that there is no  the wording, but the wording  comment
                                                       increased flood risk off-site, as such ‘and any large  can be changed to reflect the  regarding
                                                       increase in housing in the village.’ Should be  potential for additional  national
                                                       removed.                         flooding arising unless new  policy
                                                                                        development is designed to
                                                                                        minimise that risk.
                  11        29       32   TT1          Traffic calming infrastructure and new pavements can  Agreed  Change
                                                       only be required where necessary as per the tests for  wording
                                                       planning obligations, as such ‘and necessary’ should
                                                       follow ‘where appropriate’. The standards of parking
                                                       provision should be in line with the adopted standards in
                                                       the BCC Guidance 2015 until they are superseded by
                                                       specifications brought forward as part of VALP, unless
                                                       local evidence is available justifying a differing standard.
                                                       A definition of ‘small garage’ should be defined if it is to
                                                       be included and the stipulations for permeable surfacing
                                                       should be ‘where appropriate’ as per comments
                                                       regarding bespoke SuDS above.
                  11        30       33          11.3  It is expected this should read ‘The village is  Agreed  Change
                                                       served by broadband internet, as well as..’         wording

                  11        31       33    E1          This policy should specify, or reference a list of,  There is no need to identify  No
                                                       what constitutes ‘economic development’  i.e  individual businesses in the  change
                                                       those identified in para 11.1?  ‘unacceptable’  policy itself. The Np timespan
                                                       should be added before ‘negative impact’ in order  is 15 years and there should be
                                                       for the requirements to be flexible enough for  enough flexibility in the policy
                                                       use. Similarly, ‘Future developments shall provide  to support business
                                                       potential for internet connection where possible’.  development in general and
                                                       The policy should specify if it relates to the whole  not just the specific businesses
                                                       plan area (parish) or only to development within  that happen to be in the Parish
                                                       the settlement boundary.         at present.
                  11        32       34         12.1 &  This paragraph should be amended to identify the  Agreed  Wording
                                                 12.2  facility as contributing to the community, not the  changed
                                                       leaseholder: i.e ‘as a business, contributing much to
                                                       the community feel of Ickford.’ Similarly ‘by a local
                                                       builder’ should be removed as is superfluous.

                  11        33       35   CF1          The policy should refer to the facilities identified  Agreed  Policy
                                                       as being “valued facilities and services” as per    wording
                                                       NPPF para 92 c. The 4 facilities mentioned should   amended
                                                       be identified on the policies map in the annexes if
                                                       not adjacent to the policy. Again ‘negative impact’
                                                       should be ‘unacceptably negative impact’ to be
                                                       workable. And ‘be strongly resisted’ should be
                                                       ‘not be supported, unless it is clearly…’
                  11        34       36         13.4 &  Known infrastructure projects or priorities that  A list of community  Change
                                                 13.5  CIL income might be applied towards could be  aspirations has been  plan
                                                       highlighted here.                added

                  11        35        3       Annex 1  Map should have greater contrast to show field  This may not be possible  Change
                                                       boundaries more clearly.         depending on the OS base
                  11        36       38       Annex 2  The local green spaces should be clearly  Agreed    Change
                                                       distinguished from other designations and labelled to  plan
                                                       correspond with their listing in the policy. It doesn’t
                                                       appear necessary to have the conservation areas on
                                                       this map as they are within Annex 3 which relates
                                                       primarily to heritage matters.

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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