Page 98 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 98


                 Table Two continued

                Responder  Comment     INP Reference              Comment                    Response     Change
                 Number    Number    Page  Policy  Para                                                   Required
                   3        22                         Do we want more young people or do we want to  We certainly do not wish  Yes
                                                       become a retirement village?  However that might  Ickford to become a
                                                       just be my opinion.              “retirement village”.  I
                                                                                        think our aim is to have a
                                                                                        small number (about 20)
                                                                                        of smaller more
                                                                                        affordable houses,
                                                                                        predominantly for
                                                                                        younger families but
                                                                                        might also be suitable for
                                                                                        elderly residents wishing
                                                                                        to downsize.  It is felt that
                                                                                        the village already has
                                                                                        enough larger detached
                                                                                        properties.  Make this a
                                                                                        little more explicit in the

                   4         1                         Agree with the responsible and approriate  Agreed this is why we  No
                                                       building approach.  Target market for housing -  need to take a balanced
                                                       would young couples, families, want to live in  and limited approach to
                                                       rural location with less than ideal infrastructure  new developments.
                                                       (e.g. roads, schools, jobs, public transport)

                   4         2                         Agree with maintaining biodiversity in this special  Agreed  No
                                                       area.  Flooding is a major concern considering
                                                       climate change and the already struggling

                   4         3                         We agree with a responsible building approach  Agreed  No
                                                       and would encourage any new build to have as
                                                       many environmentally and sustainable features as
                                                       possible.  To maintain a rural identity

                   5         1                         The Ickford Development Plan is an outstanding  Thank you  No
                                                       document, reflecting the very considerable work
                                                       and thought that has gone into its production.  The
                                                       team of people involved deserve congratulations and
                                                       the thanks of other residents in the village.

                   5         2                         My point is a very minor one.  Generally the  The INP refers to Ickford  No
                                                       document refers to Ickford as the name of the  as the Parish as a whole,
                                                       settlement; however, in a number of places the  whereas Ickford Village or
                                                       document refers to Ickford Village.  I think the  the Villageas defined by
                                                       correct name is Ickford (despite the road signs on  the Settlement bounardy
                                                       entering the village) and the document should use  refers to the actual village
                                                       that name consistently.          (as defined by the
                                                                                        Settlement boundary)

                   6         1                         Parking: the school and pre school are not only  INP recognises the  No
                                                       excellent facilities for the village , but also one of  problems with parking
                                                       the chief employers. However there is insufficient
                                                       parking available at the moment, leading to cars
                                                       parked all day long in Sheldon Rd, as well as the
                                                       perfectly acceptable transient parking to drop
                                                       children off, and visit the shop. Yellow zigzag have
                                                       been added to help, but this has added to the
                                                       urbanisation of the road, one side of which is
                                                       actually a conservation area. I suspect if this was a
                                                       commercial employer this would not be so

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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