Page 95 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 95


           Table Two continued

         Responder  Comment     INP Reference               Comment                   Response      Change
          Number    Number    Page  Policy  Para                                                   Required

            3         4        12          5.1  There are fewer incidents of flooding in the  Replace “Increasing  Yes
                                                village than in the past and the statement here is  incidences of flooding”
                                                misleading, as is the mention of gas.  The need to  with “Frequent incidences
                                                stop burning fossil fuels is becoming more  of flooding”. Gas boilers
                                                urgent.  Where did the idea of a frost pocket  generally appear to have
                                                come from?  Where is the evidence for that?  lower emissions than oil
                                                                                  boilers.  There is also the
                                                                                  problem of oil pollution
                                                                                  from ruptured tanks and
                                                                                  pipes as well as the traffic
                                                                                  from delivery vehicles.
                                                                                  Therefore “no mains gas”
                                                                                  is very relevant.  Replace
                                                                                  “frost hollow” with
                                                                                  “Ickford is surrounded by

            3         5        12          5.1  Local school – over subscribed due to its good  The whole point about  No
                                                reputation, but adequately meeting the needs of  the school is that it could
                                                Ickford children.                 become a problem with
                                                                                  over expansion in Ickford
                                                                                  and the surrounding

            3         6        15          6.5  Need to reflect the need for energy efficient  National and AVDC  No
                                                housing (such as 38A golders close) which might  planning and building
                                                not be in keeping with existing housing, but  regulations cover the
                                                maybe we need to keep an open mind and these  need for energy efficient
                                                homes will become the norm.  Kerbing is  housing.  To go beyond
                                                important to prevent erosion by delivery vehicles  these guidelines would
                                                and SUVs on our roads.  Again a mention of the  probably add extra cost to
                                                (not) linear nature of the village.  the already “not so
                                                                                  affordable” housing. In
                                                                                  any event para 6.5 is
                                                                                  concerned with landscape
                                                                                  guidelines and not
                                                                                  housing as such . More
                                                                                  kerbing would not
                                                                                  nessarily reduce erosion
                                                                                  by delivery vehicles and
                                                                                  SUVs – they park over
                                                                                  the kerbs anyway.  No
                                                                                  mention of “linear” in
                                                                                  para 6.5 or page 15.
            3         7        17  NE1          Although I agree in principle of keeping street  Most resients would  No
                                                lighting to a minimum I have found that those  disagree with this.  Even
                                                who oppose any lighting are the the ones who  low level lighting causes
                                                drive round the village rather than walk at night.  light pollution and is
                                                Can I suggest that street lighting should be low  perhaps more likely to
                                                level especially where there are no pavements.  shine in peoples

            3         8        19          6.27  The field behind the shop is the old cricket field,  There is no evidence that  No
                                                not the hayfield. The Play Area is the proper name  it ever was a cricket field!
                                                for what you you refer to as the playing field.  “Play Area” refers to the
                                                                                  children’s play area by the
                                                                                  Pavilion and is therefore
                                                                                  part of the “Playing field”!

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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