Page 94 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 94


                 Table Two continued

                Responder  Comment     INP Reference              Comment                    Response     Change
                 Number    Number    Page  Policy  Para                                                   Required

                   2        25                   10.9  Is there any evidence of the danger or is it only  Other residents have  No
                                                       perceived. I cycle the Ickford to Thame route via  reported problems
                                                       Shabbington fairly frequently and feel less danger
                                                       on this road than I do on the road down into
                                                       Thame where a cycling lane has been marked on
                                                       the road
                   2        26                   12.3  To villagers or residents of other villages?  Check with the Allotment  Check?

                   2        27                   12.4  Not Ofsted rated Outstanding. Also the school  Agreed - change paras.  Yes
                                                       sports hall is used for tness classes.  9.19 and 12.4.  Could
                                                                                        add use of sports hall to
                                                                                        para. 12.4

                   2        28                   12.5  Is this not already compulsory?  Not all those listed in  No
                   2        29      CF1                its not it’s ( no apostrophe) continued use.  Will add the missing  Yes

                   2        30                   13.3  Will this need to be amended as AVDC will no  We could add “(or it’s  Possibly
                                                       longer exist in 2020.            successor)”

                   3         1       10           3.8  Linear village!  This might have been the case 50  Rewrite Pare. 3.8 “The  Yes
                                                       years ago but it certainly isn’t the case now.  The  village generally remains
                                                       majority of houses are NOT on the main  linear in nature along the
                                                       thoroughfare.                    three main roads.
                                                                                        Although in the last 50
                                                                                        years there has been
                                                                                        development to the
                                                                                        North of Sheldon Road
                                                                                        and East of Worminghall
                                                                                        Road, well over 50% of
                                                                                        properties in the village
                                                                                        still back onto open green
                                                                                        spaces and farmland”

                   3         2       11           3.11  I have recently been reliably informed that  The catchment map for  Yes
                                                       Ickford is outside Lord William’s school’s  Lord Williams’s shows
                                                       catchment area. (under the parental right of  that Ickford does now
                                                       choice students may go there if there are spaces  appear to be just outside
                                                       and parents take responsibility for travel.  the catchment area.
                                                                                        Delete Lord William’s
                                                                                        from para. 3.11.

                   3         3       11           3.13  Several places missing – the list of places of local  This paragraph has been  No
                                                       employment are already better presented on page  slightly misunderstood –
                                                       33.                              the full list is indeed on
                                                                                        page 33 – therefore leave
                                                                                        para. 3.13 as is.

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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