Page 93 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 93


           Table Two continued

         Responder  Comment     INP Reference               Comment                   Response      Change
          Number    Number    Page  Policy  Para                                                   Required

            2        15                    9.1  VALP not an accepted document at present.  VALP is the best  No
                                                Where do we put inûll? Surely this will have an  indication we have and is
                                                eect on the much prized visual street line.  therefore acceptable for
                                                                                  inclusion in the INP.
            2        16                    9.1  Where do we put infill? Surely this will have an  Could perhaps replace  Possibly
                                                effect on the much prized visual street line.  “Infilling of 1 or 2 houses
                                                                                  will be appropriate…”
                                                                                  with “Infilling of 1 or 2
                                                                                  houses could be
            2        17                    9.2  Surely once houses have been accepted as  Don’t understand this  No
                                                agricultural dwellings we leave a gap for inûlling.  comment.  Infilling not
                                                                                  appicable to agricultural

            2        18                    9.5  These larger developments. The last was almost  The INP accepts the  No
                                                25 years ago and has been assimilated into the  current VALP allotment
                                                village. Surely it’s time to try again?  of 20 houses.

            2        19             ND2         As well as design surely we should be thinking  Current planning and  No
                                                about incorporating eco friendly measures into  building regulations
                                                any new construction. I.e. ground pumps, brown  should incorporate a
                                                recycled water,solar panels etc.  certain amount of “eco
                                                                                  friendly” measures.
                                                                                  Anymore than this could
                                                                                  increase costs and make
                                                                                  houses even more
            2        20             ND3         Is there proof we need more allotments?  The current allotments  Check?
                                                                                  appear to be well used
                                                                                  but we should perhaps
                                                                                  check if there is a waiting
                                                                                  list. Occupiers of small
                                                                                  affordable homes are
                                                                                  more likely to take
                                                                                  advantage of allotments.

            2        21             ND4         You need to be on the housing waiting list to get  Good point - we perhaps  Consider
                                                an aordable home.                 need to alter the wording  change
                                                                                  – do we really mean
                                                                                  “affordable” in the
                                                                                  technical sense.

            2        22             TT1         More enforcement limiting the ability of large  Difficult  other than  No
                                                vehicles to access the village.   weight limits on the

            2        23                   10.4  No school bus to Lord Williams    Check and delete.  Yes

            2        24                   10.5  12 years, surely an acceptable frequency.  Para. 10.5 says e.g 2007  No
                                                                                  – there have been
                                                                                  problems since then.  The
                                                                                  village is vulnerable to
                                                                                  global warming and what
                                                                                  happens in the Thame
                                                                                  Valley, due to the village’s
                                                                                  high water table, and
                                                                                  indeed the River Thames

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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