Page 97 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 97


           Table Two continued

         Responder  Comment     INP Reference               Comment                   Response      Change
          Number    Number    Page  Policy  Para                                                   Required
            3        17        27               Delete extension of allotments, might be for  The allotments are well  No
                                                something else.                   used and as mentioned in
                                                                                  the INP several times are
                                                                                  an important local facility.

            3        18        31         10.5  There should be no increase in flooding due to  It should be remembered  No
                                                housing because of the SUDS, which may not  that Ickford is virtually an
                                                solve problems that are already there, but they  island in the flood plain.  An
                                                won’t add to them, and they could help reduce  average 3 person household
                                                them.                             consumes approximately
                                                                                  30,000 gallons of water per
                                                                                  annum.  This would be piped
                                                                                  in from outside the village
                                                                                  but have to be disposed off as
                                                                                  waste water.  Therefore 30
                                                                                  houses would generate an
                                                                                  extra 1 million gallons of
                                                                                  waste water per annum!

            3        19        34               The school is not outstanding.  It was previously  Agreed “outstanding” is a  Yes
                                                mentioned at 9.19 page 29. (Putting  technical term used for
                                                “outstanding” in inverted commas does not make  OFSTED inspections, and
                                                it outstanding.  We need to be accurate.  It is a  should be avoided.  The
                                                very good school but information included needs  school last had a full
                                                to be backed up by evidence.      inspection several years
                                                                                  ago, pre academy,  and
                                                                                  was rated “Good” - it is
                                                                                  awaiting a full inspection
                                                                                  as an academy.  Therefore
                                                                                  replace “Outstanding” in
                                                                                  para. 9.19 with “highly
                                                                                  regarded” and delete
                                                                                  “(rated as outstanding by
                                                                                  Ofsted)” from para. 12.4.

            3        20        37               This should have the title “Current Settlement  One of the purposes of the  No
                                                Boundary”                         INP is too determine the
                                                                                  Settlement Boundary
                                                                                  fullstop.  Using the word
                                                                                  “Current” could imply that it
                                                                                  could easily be changed.  It is,
                                                                                  however, important to make
                                                                                  sure that we determine the
                                                                                  boundary correctly – see
                                                                                  point 10 above.

            3        21                         I know several people have put a lot of thought  Many thanks for your  No
                                                and work into this document, so well done and  appreciation of the hard
                                                thank you, but it is far too long and repeats itself  work that has gone into the
                                                and contradicts itself in places.  There is quite a  Plan.  We appreciate the fact
                                                lot of information which is very interesting but  that you have taken the time
                                                not always relevant to achieving the objectives.  to read and comment on it
                                                The second half of the report is good because it  thoroughly.  However, we
                                                does include facts and figures. It would be better  would not accept that it is
                                                if we kept in mind exactly what we are aiming for.  “far too long” since it needs
                                                                                  to cover all the areas that are
                                                                                  stipulated in the National
                                                                                  Guidance and certainly is no
                                                                                  longer than Neighbourhood
                                                                                  Plans for other
                                                                                  Buckinghamshire villages.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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