Page 96 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 96


                 Table Two continued

                Responder  Comment     INP Reference              Comment                    Response     Change
                 Number    Number    Page  Policy  Para                                                   Required
                   3         9       20           7.5  Only 2 houses were built in Golders Close in the  Golders Close was  Yes
                                                       80s (43 & 38) the rest were built in the 60s and  probably mainly built in
                                                       70s.  And I see that Turnfields is not mentioned.  the 60s and para. 7.5
                                                                                        should be changed
                                                                                        accordingly.  There is a
                                                                                        point about Turnfields
                                                                                        and could possibly
                                                                                        mention Field Close, and
                                                                                        School Close as well.

                   3        10       23         section  Flooding and Drainage. Comments refer to a very  This view does not reflect  No
                                                  8    small number of properties and this should be  the more widely held
                                                       made clear.  At the moment the article is  views of village residents!
                                                       misleading.  The document gives the impression  Flooding and drainage are
                                                       that Ickford is frequently cut off.  I have lived and  major concerns for many
                                                       worked here since 1968 and have only once been  residents and one only has
                                                       cut off, (due to having a very small car), and this  to look at the flood plain
                                                       wasn’t peculiar to Ickford, it was very much  map to see why!
                                                       throughout the country. Some of the more recent  Although, poor
                                                       road flooding is due to poor maintenance of  maintenance of ditches
                                                       ditches and drains.              and drains may well
                                                                                        aggravate the problem the
                                                                                        fact is that the first places
                                                                                        to flood are at the bridges
                                                                                        across the River Thame
                                                                                        suggesting that the main
                                                                                        cause could be the River
                                                                                        Thame itself backing up.

                   3        11       23           8.2  8.2 “Worminghall brook” is called Lappingford  It has probably been  No
                                                       brook.                           called both.

                   3        12       23           8.3  Very rare occasions. Again very misleading.  It doesn’t matter how  No
                                                                                        infrequently the sewage
                                                                                        system cannot cope.  For
                                                                                        most people once is

                   3        13       25           8.3  Is this suggesting that we try to do infilling where  Para 9.1 and ND1 are  Yes
                                                       there is no longer space?  This does not fulfil the  somewhat ambiguous and
                                                       objectives for lower cost housing as stated on  seem to imply that the VALP
                                                       page 12.                         allocation of 20 houses
                                                                                        should be built within the
                   3        14       25   ND1          Settlement Boundary is not acceptable.  To  Settlement Boundary.  The
                                                       maintain a reasonable quality of housing with  Settlement Boundary will be
                                                       adequate parking it is not possible to meet your  extended to include the fields
                                                       own statement requirements without extending  north of Turnfields and the
                                                       the current boundaries.          allotments.

                   3        15       26                Stone is not fairly common.  “There are several  Para. 26 has been slightly  No
                                                       stone built houses” would be better.  misinterpreted.  The “fairly
                                                                                        common” refers to the
                                                                                        historic buildings.  Para. 26
                                                                                        does clearly state “Brick is
                                                                                        the most common…”
                   3        16       26   ND2          Materials for buildings should endeavour to be  Again this should be  No
                                                       energy efficient and include renewable energy  covered by National and
                                                       features.                        AVDC planning
                                                                                        guidelines and building
                                                                                        regulations and therefore
                                                                                        is not really appropriate
                                                                                        for the INP.

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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