Page 92 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 92


                 Table Two continued

                Responder  Comment     INP Reference              Comment                    Response     Change
                 Number    Number    Page  Policy  Para                                                   Required

                   2         5                    5    Proof that instances of ooding are more frequent.  Possibly delete  Possibly
                                                       According to Thames Water sewerage capacity is  “Increasing”.  No mention
                                                       not running at maximum and this will be  about the Thames Water
                                                       reassessed before any major development  comment in their
                                                       whereas small inlling may not have to.  consultation letter.   They
                                                                                        suggest that developers
                                                                                        must be mindful of the
                                                                                        net increase in water and
                                                                                        waste water  and suggest
                                                                                        adding paragraphs to INP
                                                                                        to that effect.

                   2         6                    5    The local school may be oversubscribed but not  Check this with the  Check
                                                       necessarily by those in the catchment area.  school.

                   2         7                    6.4  How frequently has the village been isolated due  This is a major concern of  No
                                                       to ooding in the last 30 years. Possibly 3—4  residents as illustrated by
                                                       times? Any evidence to back up your statement.  the survey.

                   2         8                    6.6  This statement is self defeating as the atness of  Over 50% of houses in  No
                                                       the terrain would reduce the visual impact of any  the village have an open
                                                       development.                     outlook and therefore
                                                                                        due to the flat terrain any
                                                                                        major development could
                                                                                        be detrimental.

                   2         9                    6.2  BBONT is now BBOWT.              Agreed – will change.  Yes

                   2        10                    7.1  How can 2 manors at dierent ends of the village  Manor means estate and  No
                                                       be consolidated into 1?          not the actual houses.  It
                                                                                        seems the two estates
                                                                                        were merged in the 12 th

                   2        11                    7.5  Golder’s Close was developed before 1980s.  Don’t know the date.  Yes
                                                       Don’t know the date.             Agreed will change to

                   2         2            BEH1         Policy BEH1 Design. What is the traditional  Could possibly say brick  Possibly
                                                       building material?               and stone.

                   2        13             F1     8    Evidence on ooding. No pumping this winter, the  Of course, people will  No
                                                       drains on Sheldon Road and Worminghall Road  remember the bad years.
                                                       have been repaired and the drainage ditch at  The point is that the
                                                       Grange Farm Barns has been cleared.  Too early  village is prone to
                                                       to say if this has made a difference.  People  flooding, however
                                                       remember the bad years but not the uneventful  infrequent, due to its
                                                       ones.                            position in the flood
                                                                                        plain, and we wish to
                                                                                        avoid over development
                                                                                        which could possibly
                                                                                        exacerbate the problem.

                   2        14             F1     8.1  See note on 5. All new developments have to  Thames Water support  Yes
                                                       satisfy these requirements. Policy F1 This is  Policy F1 and have
                                                       compulsory.                      suggested additional text.

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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