Page 91 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 91


           Table Two continued

         Responder  Comment     INP Reference               Comment                   Response      Change
          Number    Number    Page  Policy  Para                                                   Required

            1         2                         Statutory Consultation Responses.  The response from  See
                                                Consultation held 21.01.19 to 18.02.19 (4  Natural England is listed  Responder
                                                weeks)                            below             10 below
                                                1.   Environment Agency – No response
                                                2.   English Heritage  - No response
                                                3.   Natural England – RESPONSE 15 February
                                                see below

            2         1                    1.1  No demonstration of how the plan will  The plan will support  No
                                                contribute towards sustainable development.  “sustainable”
                                                How will it contribute to the achievement of  development by including
                                                sustainable development?          the “Turnfields” site in the
                                                                                  Settlement Boundary.
                                                                                  On the other hand the
                                                                                  plan does NOT support
                                                                                  unstainable larger
                                                                                  developments in the

            2         2                    2.1  Sustainable development means positive growth  It is difficult to see how  Consider
                                                with economic, social and environmental gains  new large developments  rewording
                                                being sought.....the local plan i.e. the VALP  would bring economic
                                                should be supported by positive plans.  social and environmental
                                                                                  gains, since they are
                                                                                  unlikely to bring new
                                                                                  economic gains to the
                                                                                  village itself and could
                                                                                  put strains on the current
                                                                                  limited facilities.
                                                                                  However,  the INP should
                                                                                  allow for the VALP
                                                                                  allocation of 20+ houses
                                                                                  which should primarily
                                                                                  be for younger families to
                                                                                  help offset the ageing

            2         3                    3    Our postal town is Hemel Hempstead  The Postal Town is  No
                                                                                  Aylesbury (i.e. the
                                                                                  address is Ickford,
                                                                                  Aylesbury).  The Postcode
                                                                                  Town is Hemel

            2         4                    3.11  Ickford is not in the catchment area for Lord  Agreed this needs to be  Yes
                                                Williams                          corrected.

            2                              3.12  No mention of the pavilion       This paragraph refers to  No
                                                                                  outside recreational
                                                                                  facilities i.e. the
                                                                                  recreation ground and
                                                                                  tennis court.  The
                                                                                  pavilion is mentioned as a
                                                                                  “small meeting place” in
                                                                                  para. 12.2

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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