Page 90 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 90


               Annex 32.

               Neighbourhood Plan Responders
               Comments arising from the Consultation Process.

                  Table One
               Responder   Document       Responder             Initials    Format      Pages      Comments
                Number      Number
                   1           1      AVDC - SEA Screening             AVDC Document     16
                   2           2      Chair of Parish Council   BK     Page of notes      1
                   3           3      Resident & Parish Councilor  RB  Typed notes        2    Received at event on 11/05
                   3           4      Ditto                     RB     Comment Sheet
                                                                       + typed notes      3    via Shop box
                   4           5      Residents                 M&SP   Comment Sheet      1    via Shop box
                   5           6      Resident                  RL     Comment Sheet      1    Unable to print
                   6           7      Resident                  JC     Comment Sheet      1    Unable to print
                   7           8      Pegasus Group (for Cala Homes)   Covering letter    1
                   7           9      Ditto                            Comment Sheet 1    3
                   7          10      Ditto                            Comment Sheet 2    2
                   7          11      Ditto                            Comment Sheet 3    2
                   7          12      Ditto                            Comment Sheet 4    3
                   7          13      Ditto                            Location Plan      1
                   8          14      Land & Partners                  Covering letter    2
                   8          15      Ditto                            Comment Sheet 1    1    Unable to print
                   8          16      Ditto                            Comment Sheet 2    1    Unable to print
                   8          17      Ditto                            Comment Sheet 3    1    Unable to print
                   9          18      Thames Water                     Letter             2
                  10          19      Natural England                  Letter to Parish Council  6
                  10          20      Ditto                            Comment Sheet      2

                 Table Two

                Responder  Comment     INP Reference              Comment                    Response     Change
                 Number    Number    Page  Policy  Para                                                   Required

                   1         1                         The Ickfod Neighbourhood Development Plan is not  Check with SC that  N/A
                                                       allocating any sites for development and does not  extending the Settlement
                                                       identify a housing target or a target for other forms  Boundardy is not
                                                       of development. The early draft stage of the plan  contrary to this decision
                                                       contains a number of policies to control
                                                       environmental effects including restricting
                                                       development to within the existing settlement of
                                                       Ickford, of a scale, density, height and massing
                                                       continguous with existing housing. Furthermore any
                                                       new housing would have to respect the existing
                                                       pattern of development and retain and enhance
                                                       natural features and boundaries including trees,
                                                       hedgerows and watercourses. The extension or
                                                       replacement of existing small businesses in the
                                                       parish will be supported in principle. When taken
                                                       together (as is required by law) with relevant
                                                       policies from the Local Plan policy and national
                                                       planning policy, it is not considered that the plan
                                                       would been likely to give rise to significant
                                                       environmental effects. On this basis a Sustainability
                                                       Appraisal to meet the requirements for Strategic
                                                       Environmental Assessment is not considered to
                                                       be needed

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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