Page 28 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 28


               132    More traffic and more importantly the views that will be taken away
                      from existing residents. If any houses were to be built near my home
                      everything we love about our house would be ruined.

                  Question 6

               What improvements to infrastructure would you like to see should the
               proposed developments go ahead? (120 answered)
                  1   Not just applicable to Ickford, but infrastructure improvements should be
                      made in parallel with housing development rather than long afterwards
                      i.e. School places, Doctor surgeries, car parking facilities etc.
                  2   Piped gas. Improved flood defences/provision.
                  3   The proposed developments should not go ahead they will spoil the
                      village. If it goes ahead, I may have to think of moving out of the
                      village which I have liked since I moved in some years ago.
                  4   I think we should have a village EVENING meeting for all points of
                      view to be discussed.
                  5   Additional pumping station, drainage, classroom, speed humps, bus
                      service and better road surfaces.
                  6   Drainage. Roads – speed humps, pot hole repairs. Pavements. More
                      street lighting. Better facilities for teenagers/Youth Centre?
                  7   All of the above (except number 1).
                  8   Improvements to drainage.
                  9   Increase in public transport to decrease cars on the road. Drainage.
                      Stores and amenities.
                10    Drainage definitely needs to be improved.
                11    Make a parking area on the village playing field – use of which must be
                      obligatory for depositing of and collection of school children so to avoid
                      potential accidents at the T-Junction of Bridge Road and Sheldon Road.
                12    Improved bus routes, the school needs work.
                13    Roads. Street lighting. Drainage system. Currently no gas pipe
                      connection. Internet to the village is poor. Public transport availability
                      is limited. School capacity would be severely impacted on.
                14    BEFORE the developments: Improve the road network – developers
                      should contribute to the upgrade of existing infrastructure. Improve
                      the bridges. Explain how everyone is going to get to work, school or
                      the shops (the answer is by car, which flies in the face of government
                      directives on sustainable development). Bring gas to the village or
                      explain how the housing will meet code 4 for new buildings. Improve
                      the bus service or explain how schools should be accessed.
                15    Roads/pathways. Drainage. Small health centre/pharmacy.
                16    If the developments other than Turnfields go ahead, i.e. 100 plus
                      homes, then all roads around Ickford should be raised above the flood
                      level to allow continued access to the village.
                17    The flooding problem. Roads to be upgraded. School parking to be
                18    Gas supply.

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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