Page 30 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 30


                36    Mains gas, improved sewerage and surface water drainage, more
                      reliable electricity supply. 20mph speed limit – no further street
                37    Mains gas, improved sewerage and surface water drainage, more
                      reliable electricity supply. 20mph speed limit – no further street
                38    All too expensive for the council at this time. There would be damage
                      to our ancient bridges – local roads require attention.
                39    Better park facilities and money available to the school.
                40    Improvement to the junction on the Shabbington Road (nearest to
                41    Currently the pumping station sited on Church Road does not cope
                      when there is excessive rainfall, leading to raw sewerage appearing in
                      the road. This has lead previously to lorries being deployed to deal
                      with this issue. The current road layout is insufficient.
                42    Both clean and dirty water drainage needs to be improved and
                      working. Thames Water says there are no problems, they should try
                      living here watching sewerage bubbling up through the manhole
                      covers. When questioned they said the clean water is leaking into the
                      drains. But nothing has been done to stop that from happening.
                43    Better public transport.
                44    Better roads. Up grade sewage pipes. Better footpaths. Wider roads.
                      More primary school classrooms and teachers.
                45    New roads, drainage that doesn’t flood outside the house every year,
                      piped gas to the village.
                46    Improve drainage.
                47    The proposed developments should not go ahead.
                48    All the above! Better public transport (reinstate bus link to Oxford)
                      and more frequent service, drainage and sewerage improvements,
                      cycle paths to A418 through Shabbington and Tiddington, and also to
                      Worminghall, Waterperry and onto Wheatley.
                49    Rural roads, not suitable for large traffic at bridges, near Waterstock
                      turn, out of Ickford.
                50    Improved bus service, more attempts to bring the village together
                      with a social hub, road surface improved, drainage sorted out to
                      ensure that all drains flow freely.
                51    The flooding problem, sewer problem. Transport and bus services.
                52    In terms of roads, there is nothing that can be done or which the
                      village would want to be done. The access from Tiddington is via a 17 th
                      century bridge across a floodplain and is not designed for heavy
                      traffic. This narrow access has protected our village from too much
                      through traffic in the past. The bridge should not be augmented. It has
                      once before been partially demolished by an oversized lorry trying to
                      squeeze across it and I fear this would happen again with construction
                      lorries trying to reach the sites, especially when unable to approach the
                      village from Thame due to flooding. Should the unwise and unwelcome
                      developments go ahead, the sewerage system would have to double in
                      capacity and substantial flood defences and drainage systems would have
                      to be installed in an attempt to protect the village from flooding. A regular
                      and effective bus service would need to be reinstated to ease the amount

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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