Page 27 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 27


                                                HAVE HAD TO BE CALLED OUT TO PUMP OUT BOTH WATER
                                                AND SEWAGE TOO MANY TIMES. THE PUMPING STATION
                                                CANNOT COPE NOW WHEN WE HAVE HEAVY RAIN BECAUSE
                                                ROAD DRAINS OVERFLOW, POOR ROAD DRAINAGE SYSTEM
                                                WHICH ALLOWS SURFACE WATER TO ENTER THE SEWAGE
                                                SYSTEM AND THEREFORE SPILLS OUT AND ONTO THE ROAD.
                                                IT HAS HAPPENED NEARLY EVERY YEAR USUALLY AFTER
                                                HEAVY RAIN AND WINTER MONTHS.
                                         129    Current sewerage system is hardly adequate as it is. Constructed in
                                                1953 it was designed for a village half the size it is now. Any further
                                                development should be dependent on updating the whole draining
                                                and sewerage system. The potential huge increase in private vehicles.
                                                Modern housing developments fail to provide sufficient parking areas.
                                                Except for properties occupied solely by the very elderly, most
                                                properties have cars, many have 2 cars, and some 3 or more.
                                         130    I have major concerns over the flooding issues. What measures will be
                                                put in place to make sure that these extra homes do not add to the
                                                existing flood problems. Also the pumping station in Church Road
                                                cannot handle the sewage when it is flooding. The new homes would
                                                create extra traffic, Sheldon Road is sometimes impossible to drive
                                                through now!
                                         131    As I understand it the Government has reduced housing targets for
                                                Aylesbury Vale in recent months, and the Council have stated that
                                                percentage based targets will no longer be applied; they will instead
                                                be looking at capacity. I do not feel that Ickford has the capacity for
                                                such large scale house building proposals, without harming the
                                                intrinsic peace and quality of life in this rural settlement. Below are
                                                comments on the specific sites off Worminghall Road, Pound Ground
                                                Farm: Over development. Should the Turnfields site go forward then
                                                only an additional 29 houses will be required during the life of the
                                                Local Plan to 2033. Pound Ground Farm proposes 49 dwellings. The
                                                site is open agricultural land with remnants of historic ridge and
                                                furrow. The site adjoins a listed building, the setting of which at the
                                                village edge will be severely compromised. The site will have an
                                                impact on the conservation area; which is linear in form, reflecting
                                                the historic settlement pattern in this part of the village. The proposed
                                                access will be detrimental to the rural approach to the village,
                                                requiring large visibility splays, street lighting etc. Part of the site lies
                                                within the flood plain. East of 42 Worminghall Road: Currently open
                                                countryside adjoining the conservation area. A number of listed buildings
                                                will be affected – as will their setting, as will a number of unlisted
                                                buildings which are still of heritage importance. Contrary to conservation
                                                area policies. Does not preserve or enhance the adjoining conservation
                                                area, but rather will destroy the linear form of historic settlement pattern.
                                                Impact in terms of traffic levels on Worminghall Road, impact on access
                                                from exiting properties on Worminghall Road, Impact of street lighting
                                                and rural outlook from properties on Worminghall Road School: Whilst
                                                the school is expanding, it cannot currently cater to the number of
                                                children in the village. Adding another 100 plus households will
                                                exacerbate the problem.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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