Page 33 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 33


                                          88    Improvement of the surrounding roads. All roads in and out of the
                                                village are in a very poor state. Increased traffic will cause more
                                                damage (not to mention construction traffic). Drains and sewers. As
                                                above. Public transport needs to be increased.
                                          89    None.
                                          90    Certainly no more 4/5 bedroom houses.
                                          91    Improvement to state of roads.
                                          92    There would have to be improvements to the surface water drainage
                                                and sewage, the Internet service, a gas supply, a bigger school and the
                                                parking arrangements on Sheldon Road which are already chaotic
                                                during school hours.
                                          93    Sort out the sewage system.
                                          94    Better drainage and better visibility at the road junction of Ickford
                                                Road and Sheldon Road.
                                          95    Ickford is on the edge of a flood plain and cannot deal with surface
                                                and waste water – Thames Water continue to ignore the problem –
                                                unless this changes more houses using water will be disastrous.
                                          96    Where to start?  The reality is that the infrastructure has been
                                                neglected for years. Sewage and drainage need urgent attention, the
                                                power supply is not stable and mobile signals erratic. The roads are in
                                                a disastrous condition and it will not be long before there is a serious
                                                accident. None of these can cope with current demands and nothing is
                                                being done to improve them.
                                          97    Regular bus services and traffic calming measures. Road width a
                                                concern especially by shop and school – not sure what can be done to
                                                ease parking except to have a proper car park on the recreation land
                                                to ease congestion.
                                          98    New drainage, bigger school, bigger village hall.
                                          99    Roads improved, better entrance/exit to new developments, sewage
                                                waste system modernised, electric grid system improved, possible gas
                                                supply installed. If none of these takes place then Ickford as a village
                                                will slowly become a run down dormitory area for Oxford, Thame
                                                and Aylesbury. The roads will become more in need of repair and the
                                                sewage problems will become worse.
                                         100    Any affordable homes need to have the criteria for purchase clearly
                                                laid out, and only be available to Ickford residents who have lived in
                                                the village for a minimum of 5 years. The traffic management and
                                                congestion over the bridge in Bridge Road and in Shabbington need
                                                attention. An indoor swimming pool for the school/village to use.
                                         101    None. Changes to the infrastructure raises the risk of triggering further
                                                development, to the further detriment of the village community.
                                         102    Under no circumstances should the proposed developments be
                                                allowed. Traffic congestion around the shop and the school, with
                                                overcrowded roads over the two bridges and along Worminghall Road
                                                would result in unwarranted traffic accidents and destroy the
                                                character of this desirable little village.
                                         103    Roads. Sewerage. Drainage.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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