Page 32 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 32


                70    Restrictions need to be put into place to reduce the areas where you
                      can park near the school and shop. It is often very difficult to travel
                      through the village with cars parked on corners or opposite each
                      other on Sheldon and Bridge Road. The village needs some dedicated
                      parking areas in general and specifically for the new houses to ensure
                      that roads are not blocked. The sewage system in the village cannot
                      cope with the current houses during periods of heavy rain and it will
                      not cope with additional housing – this all needs replacing/improving.
                71    Improved road surfaces for all the roads out of the village. Improved
                      drainage and sewerage system. Flooding is a regular event down the
                      main roads through the village and something should be done to
                      alleviate this. There are certain limitations to Ickford village in terms
                      of access roads and this should be used to argue against the number of
                      houses we are being asked to build in the village. This remains a small
                      village, despite the AVDC classification as a medium village and the
                      Parish Council should make sure they include this in their discussions
                      about housing.
                72    None. We do not want the village to increase to such a size where
                      further amenities are needed.
                73    Bus service, activities for young and old.
                74    Better drainage. Improved traffic flow, especially at school start and
                      end times. Bus service improvement or a good service to take people
                      to Tiddington for the number 280 bus.
                75    None will be needed if no houses are built. If we must end up having
                      to have more buildings, it must only be at a minimum and definitely
                      not exceeding AVDC’s requirement of Ickford.
                76    Pot holes repaired more quickly and yellow lines by the shop to stop
                      people parking antisocially in a morning. More rubbish bins.
                77    Sewerage insufficient now! School will not have enough capacity.
                      Medical support struggling with current number of patients.
                78    Priority – more frequent bus service, routing to Oxford and
                79    Traffic lights on bridges. Connect new development to Rocker Lane.
                      Enlarge shop. More buses and to Oxford.
                80    A complete new sewer system to prevent raw sewage coming out of
                      manholes in Sheldon Road, as had happened in the past.
                81    Completely new drains in Sheldon Road and Worminghall Road.
                82    I would say none, but that’s wishful thinking. Building will go ahead so
                      the roads, water, sewers and maybe gas will all need upgrading but
                      then you open the door to further building and expansion.
                83    –   sewage/flood improvement
                      –   street lights
                      –   road access
                      –   schooling.
                84    Adequate access for traffic. Additional places in village school.
                85    Flooding stopped/improved. Better parking area for the school and
                      shop. Keep as much green as possible. Planting lots of trees etc.
                86    Better sewage and drainage system.
                87    Sewage and drainage. Roads/footpaths.

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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