Page 31 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 31


                                                of traffic through our quiet village and ferry children out to other schools.
                                                Public footpaths should be protected and preserved, not reduced to
                                                corridors of nettles between fences.
                                          53    •   Drainage.
                                                •   New improved sewage network.
                                                •   Generally my attitude is that I moved to a small village over 20
                                                years ago that had a great heart and community. We are now classed as
                                                a ‘medium’ village. I believe that once one development is passed,
                                                others will follow and this village will be in danger of losing its
                                                community by becoming a ‘large’ village.
                                          54    Gas supply.
                                          55    Completely renewed drainage. Looking into improving the flood
                                                plain. Looking into not closing the sluice gates when the Thames
                                                water is high. Improved electricity as it goes off very often. Improved
                                                internet it is very slow.
                                          56    New drainage system and pump station. Bus service.
                                          57    Adequate drainage. Better access to the school – i.e. no parking on
                                                side or road. Make cars park in village hall car park and make this
                                          58    Shops. Meeting spaces. School. More significant site review. Explicit
                                                consideration of knock on effect on secondary education.
                                          59    Double yellow lines on Bridge Road/Sheldon Road junction.
                                          60    The sewer systems are a must for improvement, but how could the
                                                river levels be decreased - a NO GO!
                                          61    Improved bus service. If the development is off  Turnfields, that access
                                                road will need improving.
                                          62    Flooding must be considered.
                                          63    It is essential that the surface water drainage system and the sewerage
                                                system are repaired and upgraded to cope with any increase in
                                                housing. An improved bus service would also be helpful.
                                          64    As above, the drainage in the village. If the school is going to get
                                                bigger we need proper provision for parent car parking.
                                          65    Drainage including sewerage. Roads. Bus service.
                                          66    Hopefully more council tax will enable the Parish Council to do more
                                                to engage engineers to look at how best we can manage surface water.
                                          67    Thorough investigation and solution for existing drainage problems.
                                                Additional shop, additional pub, GP surgery, road widening, new
                                                bridges, old people’s home.
                                          68    Guarantees that sewerage and drainage systems can cope. Additional
                                                playground equipment. Upgrade to existing tennis court in Village
                                                Hall grounds. Additional school recreational facilities. Additional
                                                classrooms will reduce playing area within the existing school
                                                boundary? High speed internet access alternatives to Gigaclear. Mains
                                                gas access
                                          69    Nothing should be allowed to go ahead without improvements and
                                                increased capacity to the school first. A second shop would probably
                                                be necessary. Road calming measures to prevent speeding. Essential
                                                would be an improved bus service to Thame and Oxford. The
                                                reduction of the bus services in recent years, especially at morning
                                                school times, has increased the need for car travel substantially.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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