Page 110 - Vauxhall 20-60 H.P. (R Type) Chassis Shop Manual
P. 110


                         If only one selector is to be removed, it is not necessary to remove the
                         other two and the locking plate. Remove the locking nut on the selector
                         rod which is to be taken out and by applying a spanner to the other end of
                         the selector which is accessible from the front of the casing, the rod can be
                         screwed out of the locking plate and withdrawn.

                         INSPECTION ( Before R 3061 )

         SECTION         Thoroughly clean all parts.
           493           Examine selectors for wear and alignment.

                         TO RE-ASSEMBLE AND REPLACE ( Before R3061 )

         SECTION         To reassemble selectors and replace top cover, reverse operations given in
           494           ( Section 492 ).

                         When reassembling the selectors, care must be taken to adjust them into
                         correct alignment, and for this purpose the locking nuts on the rods should
                         be left slack so that each rod can be screwed in or out of the locking plate as
                         required until the three selectors are in alignment, after which the locking
                         nuts must be thoroughly tightened.

                         SLIDING GEAR SHAFT — TO REMOVE

         SECTION         To remove the sliding gear shaft it is not necessary to remove the gearbox
           495           unit. Remove transmission brake band ( Section 202 ).

                         –  Remove transmission brake drum ( Section 204 or 205 according to
                            chassis number ) .

                         After removing the castellated nut on the rear end of the sliding gear shaft,
                         the brake drum and coupling spider can be drawn off.

                         –  Remove top of gearbox complete with change speed lever and push the
                            third and top sliding gear into top speed position. This will prevent the
                            sliding gearwheel falling to the bottom of the box when withdrawing
                            the shaft.

                         –  Remove the ball race thrust plate and transmission brake band stop
                            bracket. The sliding gear shaft with ball race can then be withdrawn and
                            the first and second sliding gear wheels lifted out. Move the third and
                            top sliding gear into the neutral position and remove. Take out the Hyatt
                            roller bearing which is fitted in the end of the first reduction pinion. A
                            distance piece is fitted on the spigot of the sliding gear shaft and against
                            the shoulder of the splined portion, and another distance piece is fitted to
                            the front end of the spigot after the Hyatt bearing is fitted. The distance
                            piece on the front end of the spigot will remain in the first reduction
                            pinion, and should be taken out after removing the Hyatt bearing.

                         –  Remove bearing cage with bearing and oil retaining washer from rear
                            end of sliding gear shaft.
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