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                    is determined by the parliaments and governments of the  liability to pay the fees arose out of the mere fact of possession
                    Länder in light of the advice of an independent commission  of a receiver and was not in consideration of actual use of the
                    (known as the KEF).                             services provided by the broadcasters.
                       The task of invoicing and collecting the fee has been  The broadcasters had argued before the court that it could
                    delegated by the public broadcasters to an unincorporated  not be held to be a determining factor that the broadcasting
                    association known as the GEZ. This has no legal personality  fee was provided for by law, otherwise all German doctors,
                    and has no capacity to bring legal proceedings but acts for and  lawyers and architects would be ‘financed by the state’ because
                    on behalf of the public broadcasters. In pursuing unpaid fees,  the levels of their fees are fixed by the state. The court
                    the GEZ issues a notice of liability which describes it as acting  responded as follows:
                    as an official authority and, if the fee is not paid, payment can
                    be enforced by administrative proceedings.         Even though those levels are regulated by the State, the
                                                                       consumer always enters of his own free will into a
                    The Proceedings                                    contractual relationship with the members of those
                                                                       professions and always receives an actual service. In
                    In 2005, the GEZ awarded a contract for the cleaning of its  addition, the financing of the activities of members of
                    premises to one of GEWA’s competitors. GEWA raised  those professions is neither ensured nor guaranteed by
                    proceedings in the German courts alleging that the GEZ had  the State. 7
                    failed to comply with the procurement rules in awarding the
                    cleaning contract.                              Those remarks echoed those of the Advocate General as to
                       The public broadcasters argued that they (and thus the  the insulation of the public broadcasters from normal
                    GEZ) were not contracting authorities within the meaning of  competitive pressures. 8
                    the procurement rules, given, in particular, that the public  As regards the procedures for the levying of the fee, the
                    broadcasting services which they provided were financed for  court considered it clear from the relevant treaty that the issuing
                    the most part by the broadcasting fee and that there was no  of notices of liability to the charge constituted an act of an
                    public funding nor public control of those services.  official authority and that, in recovering unpaid fees, the
                       Having found that the first two conditions for  broadcasters enjoyed the powers of a public authority.
                    characterising the public broadcasters as ‘bodies governed by  Lastly, the court observed that, in light of the functional
                    public law’ were satisfied, the Oberlandesgericht (Higher  approach which needed to be adopted in such cases, it was
                    Regional Court) Düsseldorf decided to make a reference to  immaterial
                    the European Court of Justice in respect of the third condition.
                    In that context, the referring court was satisfied that the  … whether the financial resources [made available to the
                    German public authorities did not exercise any management  contracting authority] pass through the State budget, the
                    supervision in respect of the broadcasters or any influence on  State first collecting the fee and then making the fee income
                    appointments to their governing bodies. The only issue still to  available to the public broadcasting bodies, or whether
                    be determined was whether the broadcasters’ activities were  the State grants to those bodies the right to collect the fee
                    financed for the most part by the state or by other contracting  themselves. 9
                                                                    Thus, the court concluded, a form of financing (such as that
                    The Judgment                                    at issue in the case) which is brought into being by a measure
                                                                    of the state, is guaranteed by the state and is secured by methods
                    The European Court of Justice (Fourth Chamber) began its  of charging and collection which fall within public authority
                    consideration of the issue referred by pointing out that the  powers, satisfied the condition of ‘financed … by the state’
                    concept of ‘financed … by the state’ must, in light of the  for the purpose of the procurement rules.
                    objectives pursued by the EU procurement directives, receive  Thus, the court held that the relevant financing condition
                    what it described as a ‘functional interpretation’. 5  was satisfied when the activities of public broadcasting bodies
                       The court then pointed out that the fees collected by the  such as those in the relevant proceedings are financed for the
                    GEZ had their origin in the relevant treaty on broadcasting,  most part by a fee payable by persons who possess a receiver,
                    that is, a measure of the state, and was not the result of any  which is imposed, calculated and levied according to rules such
                    contractual arrangement entered into between the broadcasters  as those in the relevant proceedings.
                    and their customers. Furthermore, the determination of the
                    amount of the fee was a matter for the state (on the basis of
                    the advice of the KEF).  In addition, the court noted that
                                                                    7 See paragraph 46 of the judgment.
                                                                    8 As he put it, at paragraph 63 of his opinion, ‘[t]hat form of sheltered
                                                                    activity in the market frees the broadcasters of any uncertainty as to
                                                                    their income, since they have the State’s guarantee, manifested in the
                    5 See paragraph 40 of the judgment.             budgets drawn up by the KEF. Accordingly, even if the argument that
                    6 The court observed, at paragraph 43 of the judgment, that the  the origin of the funds is private were accepted, the confident assurance
                    parliaments and governments of the Länder were free to depart from  which the broadcasters can have in the arrival of their pecuniary resources
                    the expert advice received in certain limited circumstances. However, it  does not differ from that they may have when capital is placed directly at
                    noted that even if they had been obliged to follow without qualification  their disposal by the State’. The Advocate General also remarked, at
                    the recommendations of the KEF, it would remain the case that the  paragraph 64 of the opinion, on the fact that the broadcasters ‘are freed
                    mechanism for fixing the amount of the fee was established by the state,  from resorting to private credit in the critical situation of insolvency,
                    which had thereby transferred public authority powers to a commission  which reinforces the public character of the subsidy’.
                    of experts.                                     9 See paragraph 46 of the judgment.
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