Page 19 - Lawtext Utility Law Review Journal Sample
P. 19


                    undertakings  or out of funds at the disposal of such entities;  Conclusions
                    and (ii) in the case in which resources intended for the financing
                    of the aid measure, obtained via burdens imposed on private  Applying the approach he had developed, the Advocate General
                    parties (for example, parafiscal contributions), is routed through  considered the particular position of  the surcharge
                    intermediary undertakings or organisations before being  arrangements in issue in the present proceedings.
                    allocated to the recipients.                       In that context, he noted that, for the reference period,
                       As regards, first of all, category (i), the Advocate General  that is, between 1 August and 31 December 2000, Essent’s
                    noted that, in terms of the court’s decision in Stardust,  funds  capital was controlled 100 per cent by Essent NV, whose capital
                    at the disposal of a public undertaking must be regarded as  was held as to 100 per cent by communes and provinces and
                    state resources when the state is in a position, by the exercise  thus belonged completely to public authorities. Thus, Essent
                    of its dominant influence, to direct the use of its resources to  was, for this period, a public undertaking. Accordingly, the
                    finance, if necessary, specific interventions in favour of other  resources at the disposal of Essent had to be regarded in
                    undertakings. To that end, it was not necessary to demonstrate  principle as public resources, irrespective of the fact that
                    that the state had transferred specific sums to these  Essent’s role was confined only to the collection of the relevant
                    undertakings for the purpose of financing the aid measure.  contributions. In addition, it was a relevant factor that SEP
                       Turning then to category (ii), the Advocate General  was accountable to the Minister for the Economy for the sums
                    pointed out that, in line with established case law, it was  resulting from surcharges in question and that they could only
                    unnecessary to distinguish between cases in which assistance  be applied by SEP for specific purposes, namely to cover costs
                    is granted directly by the state and those in which it is granted  generated by investments carried out at the instigation of the
                    by an intermediary organisation, public or private, designated  public authorities. Finally, it was also a relevant factor that any
                    or established by the state. It was also necessary, in his opinion,  excess in receipts above NLG 400 million were to be paid over
                    to follow the case law relating specifically to aid measures  by SEP to the Minister.
                    financed through parafiscal charges or obligatory contributions.  The Advocate General’s conclusion, therefore, was that
                    On the basis of this case law, funds provided by way of  national legislation which provided for the revenue generated
                    obligatory contributions imposed by state legislation, managed  from a transitional surcharge on electricity consumption tariffs,
                    and distributed in accordance with this legislation, ought to be  collected by network operators, to be paid by them to a
                    regarded as state resources within the meaning of Article 87(1)  company (which was the joint subsidiary of domestic electricity
                    EC, even if they are administered by institutions distinct from  producers) which was required to retain part of such revenue
                    the public authorities.                         to cover stranded costs and to transfer any excess to the state
                       It was possible, in his view, to claim that this case law was  could give rise to state aid within the meaning of Article 87(1) EC.
                    implicitly overruled by PreussenElektra, at least in the situation  The judgment of the court is now awaited.
                    where the role played by the intermediary is limited to the
                    collection of the contribution or to accounting for the collected
                    funds without any discretion as to their use and allocation  Comment
                    (which, from an economic standpoint, was the same as the  While both of these cases concern different Community law
                    situation in which funding was transferred directly by the parties  regimes, it is submitted that (assuming the court in Essent Noord
                    with the contribution obligation to the undertakings benefiting  adopts the approach proposed by the Advocate General) they
                    from the measure). However, the Advocate General considered  do demonstrate a striking similarity in approach. 16
                    that, where the intermediary is designated by the state, any  In particular, in both cases the court appears to be
                    funds passing through it were, at least indirectly, under the  emphasising what was described in Bayerische Rundfunk as a
                    control of the state. This would be the case in particular (a)  ‘functional’ approach to the issue of levy funding. In other
                    where the intermediary is a public undertaking, and (b) where  words, and regardless of the fact that all of the financial burden
                    obligatory contributions are paid into a fund, public or private,  may fall upon individual customers, it is the function performed
                    established or conceived by the state with the aim of distributing  by a levy funding scheme that is of paramount importance in
                    financial assistance in accordance with law. 15  determining whether it is or is not a form of state financing.
                                                                       Thus, where a scheme is designed by the state to pursue
                                                                    some public policy objective and is equipped by the state with
                                                                    the coercive means to obtain the funding it requires, then it is
                                                                    the state, and not those actually writing the cheques, which is
                    13 The concept of ‘public undertaking’, which arises in the EC Treaty  to be regarded as financing the scheme.
                    itself, is elaborated by Commission Directive 80/723/EEC, relating to
                    the transparency of the financial relations between the Member States
                    and public undertakings. In terms of Article 2(1)(b) of the Directive, a
                    public undertaking, ‘means any undertaking over which the public
                    authorities may exercise directly or indirectly a dominant influence by
                    virtue of their ownership of it, their financial participation therein, or
                    the rules which govern it’. Article 2(2) of the Directive provides that, ‘A  corresponding burden-sharing emanated from the commercial sector
                    dominant influence on the part of the public authorities shall be presumed  concerned and not from the public authorities seemed to be a decisive
                    when these authorities, directly or indirectly in relation to an undertaking:  factor in the decision of the court to exclude the possibility of the
                    (a) hold the major part of the undertaking’s subscribed capital; or (b)  measure being imputed to the state.
                    control the majority of the votes attaching to shares issued by the  16 Interestingly, in his opinion in Bayerische Rundfunk, Advocate General
                    undertaking; or (c) can appoint more than half of the members of the  Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer dismissed a suggested comparison of the public
                    undertaking’s administrative, managerial or supervisory body.’  procurement and state aid regimes as ‘audacious’ (see paragraphs 35 to
                    14 France v Commission, judgment of 16 May 2002, Case C-482/99.  37 of his opinion).  However, that comparison was being proposed by
                    15 The Advocate General did not view the Pearle decision as presenting  the German broadcasters in order that they might rely on the
                    an obstacle to this approach, since in that case the initiative to promote  PreussenElektra decision. In that context, one can perhaps understand
                    the advertising campaign in question and the proposed method for  the Advocate General’s reluctance to accept a comparative approach.
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