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EUROPEAN CURRENT SURVEY                                                     16[2006/2007]4 ULR  167

                                                         Current Survey

                      European Union

                      edited by
                      Peter Alexiadis and Simona Seikyte
                      Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP

                      1 October – 30 November 2006   EUROPEAN COMMISSION


                      European Commission closes case  The European Commission has decided to close infringement procedures against Italy in
                      against Italy regarding law on  view of the measures taken to comply with an ECJ judgment of 2 June 2005 concerning the
                      investment in energy companies  law on investment in energy companies. According to this judgment, the automatic suspension
                      (IP/06/1366) 12 October 2006   of voting rights for shareholdings in excess of 2 per cent in Italian electricity and gas companies,
                                                     where such holdings are acquired by public companies not quoted on the stock exchange
                                                     and holding a dominant position in their own domestic markets, is in breach of Article 56
                                                     EC on the free movement of capital. The ECJ ruled that the suspension of voting rights
                                                     prevents effective participation by investors in the management and control of Italian
                                                     undertakings operating in the electricity and gas markets. On 1 August 2006, the Italian
                                                     Parliament adopted a law repealing the national rules in question and thereby fully complied
                                                     with the judgment of the ECJ.

                      European Commission opens      The European Commission formally requested that Spain explain why the conditions imposed
                      infringement procedure against Spain  by the Spanish Energy Regulator (‘CNE’) that were declared contrary to Community law
                      for not lifting unlawful conditions  have not been withdrawn as requested by a Commission decision adopted under the EU
                      imposed by CNE on E.ON’s bid for  Merger Regulation. The Commission Decision of 26 September 2006 had concluded that
                      Endesa                         the CNE’s decision subjecting E.ON’s bid for Endesa to a number of conditions breached
                      (IP/06/1426) 18 October 2006   Article 21 of the EU Merger Regulation. In particular, the Commission concluded that Spain
                                                     had violated the Merger Regulation by: (1) the adoption of CNE’s decision without prior
                                                     communication to (and approval by) the Commission; and (2) the submission of E.ON’s
                                                     acquisition of control over Endesa to a number of conditions contrary to the EC Treaty
                                                     rules on the freedom of establishment and the free movement of capital. Moreover, the
                                                     decision required Spain to withdraw without delay the conditions imposed by CNE’s decision
                                                     which had been declared incompatible with Community law. The Spanish authorities have
                                                     not yet informed the Commission of any steps or measures taken in order to comply with
                                                     the Decision.

                      European Commission unveils its  The European Commission has presented its energy efficiency action plan, which contains
                      action plan on energy efficiency to  a package of priority measures covering a range of cost-effective energy efficiency initiatives.
                      save 20 per cent by 2020       These include actions to make energy appliances, buildings, transport and energy generation
                      (IP/06/1434) 19 October 2006   more efficient. New energy efficiency standards, the promotion of energy services, and
                                                     specific financing mechanisms to support more energy efficient products have also been
                                                     proposed. The action plan, which will be implemented over the next six years, emphasises
                                                     the considerable potential for reducing losses in the generation, transmission and distribution
                                                     of electricity. The action plan proposes the improvement in efficiency of both new and
                                                     existing generation capacity and the reduction of transmission and distribution losses. The
                                                     plan recognises that energy savings can be achieved, in particular, by ensuring fuel efficiency
                                                     in cars, developing markets for cleaner vehicles, ensuring proper tyre pressure and by
                                                     improving the efficiency of urban, rail, maritime and aviation transport systems.

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