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P. 22

EUROPEAN CURRENT SURVEY                                                     16[2006/2007]4 ULR  169

                      At the meeting of Energy      The first meeting of the Energy Ministers of the Energy Community after the entry into
                      Community, Ministers agree on  force of its Founding Treaty earlier in 2006 took place in Macedonia. The Energy Community
                      concrete measures for the     provides a framework for co-operation in the energy sector between South and Eastern
                      development of energy markets  Europe and the European Community on the basis of EU legislation related to energy. Its
                      (IP/06/1579 and IP/06/1580) 17  aim is to harmonise the functioning and development of the energy market in order to
                      November 2006                 improve the security of supply for all citizens of the countries involved. On the occasion of
                                                    the meeting, the parties granted observer status to four applicant countries – Moldova,
                                                    Norway, Turkey and Ukraine – thus marking their commitment to implementing the principles
                                                    of the Energy Community Treaty. The parties also adopted the Energy Community work
                                                    programme outline and reiterated the importance of the social dimension for the Energy

                      EU and Japan reach agreement on a  The EU and Japan have confirmed their agreement on a so-called ‘broader approach’ to
                      broader approach to fusion energy  fusion energy. This agreement will create a privileged partnership complementing the ITER,
                      (IP/06/1608) 22 November 2006  the major international fusion energy project. The ITER partnership includes Japan, Russia,
                                                    Korea, China, India and the United States, with the European Union hosting the project at
                                                    Cadarache in France. This new ‘broader approach’ agreement commits the EU and Japan to
                                                    working together on projects, in particular the design of a high-tech materials testing facility,
                                                    which will complement research in ITER and set the basis for the construction of a future
                                                    demonstration fusion power plant. The agreement is valid for ten years and represents
                                                    about €340 million of European investment. The three main projects covered by the agreement
                                                    are the following: (1) completing the detailed and fully integrated engineering design of the
                                                    International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF); (2) the Japan-EU Satellite Tokamak
                                                    Programme; and (3) the International Fusion Energy Research Centre.

                      The EU and the countries of the  The Energy Ministerial Conference of the ‘Baku initiative’, which brings together the EU
                      Black Sea and Caspian Sea regions  Member States and the governments of the Caspian and Black Sea regions, agreed on a new
                      agree on a common energy strategy  energy road map which sets out a long-term plan for enhanced energy co-operation between
                      (IP/06/1657) 30 November 2006  all partners. The road map, agreed by the European Commission and the Governments of
                                                    Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkey,
                                                    Ukraine, Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation (as an observer), sets out a plan of action to
                                                    bridge the gap between the current situation in the energy sector of these countries and
                                                    the long-term vision for a common energy strategy. All parties agreed to make every effort
                                                    to facilitate and mobilise private and public financial resources from partner countries, EU
                                                    assistance and international financial institutions to support this process.

                      European Commission approves  The European Commission has cleared the concentration whereby Edison SpA, an Italian
                      planned acquisition of Eneco Energia  company active in the electricity and gas sector in Italy, would acquire sole control of Eneco
                      by Edison                     Energia SpA, an Italian company active in the retail supply of electricity in Italy. The parties’
                      (IP/06/1438) 19 October 2006  activities overlap only on the market for the retail supply of electricity to non-regulated
                                                    clients. However, in the Commission’s view, taking into consideration the limited position of
                                                    the parties on this market and the presence of strong competitors, such as Enel, Eni and EGL
                                                    Italia, the transaction is not likely to have any anti-competitive effects in this market. Edison
                                                    and AEM are also active in the vertically related market for the wholesale supply of electricity
                                                    in Italy. However, in view of their limited position on this market and the presence of other
                                                    competitors, the proposed transaction is not likely to create supply problems on either the
                                                    relevant retail or the wholesale markets.

                      European Commission opens     The European Commission has launched an in-depth investigation to establish whether the
                      inquiry into France’s guarantee to  guarantee granted by France in the form of a €570 million loan from a syndicate of banks
                      Finnish electricity producer TVO  financing the Finnish electricity producer Teollisuuden Voima Oy (‘TVO’) is compatible with
                      (IP/06/1456) 24 October 2006  EC State Aid rules. The Commission considers that it needs to obtain clarification from
                                                    France and interested parties to establish whether the total costs of the loan (interest rate,
                                                    plus guarantee of the premium paid by TVO to the French Government) conform with
                                                    market practices for this type of financial instrument. On the basis of information currently
                                                    available to it, the Commission considered that it could not be ruled out that the provision
                                                    of a guarantee for which TVO pays a fee to the French Government (the ‘guarantee premium’)

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