Page 13 - Lawtext Utility Law Review Journal Sample
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                    objectives, were set out in 2005 in a statement originally made  All these matters have continued to be problematic. In
                    to Parliament:  prices should be ‘stable, fair and affordable’,  SW’s second draft business plan,  the realisation of both the
                    with harmonisation within customer groups, but the gradual  desirable and essential objectives were costed as requiring an
                    unwinding of cross subsidy between groups; some £44 million  88 per cent increase in household bills; the Executive wanted
                    of subsidy from business to householders had been identified. 99  no increase in real terms, and the subsidies unwound. For the
                    Additional service issues included odour from sewage treatment  essential objectives only, SW estimated its capital programme
                    plant,  water pressure, and sewer flooding.  In terms of  at £3.2 billion, some £200 million a year more than could be
                    affordability, and because water charges are collected (still) along  efficiently invested given Scotland’s civil engineering capacity.
                    with local council tax, discounts would remain for single adult  The Commissioner’s draft determination  took a very different
                    households as well as new discounts for all households in receipt  view; the essential and desirable objectives could be met with
                    of council tax benefits, but discounts for second homes would  a 2 per cent increase for the first two years, falling again by
                    be abolished. Subsidy for voluntary organisations would remain,  2008/09. There could be 60,000 new connections, on a capital
                    at least until 2010. 102                        programme of £2.1 billion,  with continued operating
                       Meantime the Executive committed itself to 120,000 new  efficiency savings of £145 million per year; the differences
                    homes and 4000 ha of new commercial development for which  were too great to account for by bargaining positions alone.
                    infrastructure would need to be provided. This would be  The final determination,  by the new Commission, provided
                    achieved in part by an additional £200 million of government  for a fall in both household and business charges, in real terms.
                    lending, subject to the regulator’s agreement that the subsequent  SW accepted the determination, and produced a business plan
                    programme was still manageable. It was further assisted by  with a backloaded investment programme; all of the regulators
                    new regulations  clarifying provisions in the Water (Scotland)  rejected the plan, and SW’s chairman resigned. 110
                    Act 1980 and the Sewerage (Scotland) Act 1968, whereby there  As we move into the strategic review of prices for 2010–
                    was an entitlement to new connections if these could be made  2014, the investment objectives remain as set out in 2005, and
                    at ‘reasonable cost’;  and also by policy guidance as to which  the government’s pricing consultation  has maintained and
                    parts of infrastructure are the responsibility of SW, which the  refined the principles from 2002–06: cost recovery, cost
                    responsibility of the developer, and which are to be shared. 105  reflexivity, geographical harmonisation within user groups, and
                                                                    the unwinding of cross-subsidy across groups, within a stable
                                                                    and affordable regime. The exemption for small, including
                                                                    voluntary, organisations will remain at least until 2014, as will
                    98 Scottish Ministers 2005 Water Industry (Scotland) Act 2002 Statement of  other protections for vulnerable domestic customers, but these
                    Policy Regarding Charges available at  will be reviewed as and when the government proceeds with
                    Business-Industry/waterindustryscot/future last accessed 10 June 2008.  plans to move to a local income tax. There is recognition that
                    The parliamentary statement was made on 9 February 2005, the same
                    day that the 2005 Act passed its stage 3 hearing in the Chamber.  the capital programme is over-extended (at some £600 million
                    99  Stone & Webster Consultants Ltd, 2005 Paying for Water Services 2006  per year including the overhang from 2002–2006) with a
                    -2010 – Analysis of  Whether there are significant Cross-Subsidies Between the  commitment to reduce it to a manageable level. Similarly, whilst
                    Different Customer Groups Served by Scottish Water: Final Report Scottish  operating efficiencies continue to be made, these will also reduce
                    Executive Publication available at  in future. Borrowing will stay at around the same levels, with
                    Publications/2005/02/20658/51989  last accessed 10 June 2008.
                    100 And this has been addressed by the production of a statutory code  the government continuing to forgo a dividend. If SW can
                    under the 2005 Act; the Sewerage Nuisance (Code of Practice) (Scotland)  outperform its targets, it will be permitted to maintain the
                    Order SSI 2006/155.                             surplus in the form of a ‘gilts buffer’.
                    101 Flooding continues to exercise the minds of policymakers and
                    legislators in Scotland as elsewhere, with a recent Parliamentary Inquiry
                    (available at
                    inquiries/flooding/index.htm last accessed 10 June 2008) and a
                    prospective Bill. Pluvial flooding, including sewer flooding, was described  is in fact an existing householder, usually being required to make a
                    in the Inquiry Report as the ‘poor relation’. The Glasgow area has been  connection to the sewerage system because of water quality concerns
                    particularly badly affected, and part of the response has been the  from the environmental regulator.
                    development of a Metropolitan Glasgow Strategic Drainage Plan, an  106 SW  2005  Second Draft Business Plan  available at http://
                    approach likely to be followed in other areas after the Flooding Bill is
                    progressed.                                     Business_Plans  last accessed 10 June 2008.
                    102 Water and Sewerage Charges (Exemption and Reduction) (Scotland)  107 WIC 2005 Strategic Review of  Charges 2006–2010 Draft Determination
                    Regulations 2006 SSI 2006/72. The exemption for charities will now be  available at
                    extended until 2014; see Note 108 below, the draft statement. The change  last accessed 10 June 2008.
                    to Local Income Tax, Note 53 above, will require wholesale reform to  108 With 20 per cent of the difference accounted for by efficiency
                    the current procedures for collection of revenue from householders, as  savings, and the rest by over-estimates identified by the Reporter; ibid.
                    well as the exemption schemes.                  109 WIC 2005  Strategic Review of  Charges 2006–2010 Final Determination
                    103 The Provision of Water and Sewerage Services (Reasonable Cost)  available at
                    (Scotland) Regulations 2006 SSI 2006/120.       last accessed 10 June 2008.
                    104 In the past, SW and its predecessors had adopted a ‘rule of thumb’  110 Allan Alexander resigned on 20 February 2006, see http://
                    of some £1200 contribution for sewerage connections, and some £500  last accessed
                    for water. Now, the regulations specify a formula for calculating the  10 June 2008. Ronnie Mercer was appointed on an interim basis and his
                    reasonable cost contribution.                   appointment subsequently confirmed on a four year appointment from
                    105 Scottish Executive 2005 Connecting to the System: Consultation on Paying  September 2007; his experience at Scottish Power will be very helpful
                    for Connections to the Water and Sewerage System Paper 2005/19 available at  given the sort of reforms currently underway. The management of SW
            will be considered further below.
                    last accessed 10 June 2008; Scottish Executive 2006 PAN 79 Water and  111 Scottish Government 2007 Paying for Water Services 2010–2014, Note
                    Drainage available at  38 above; a Draft Statement has been published (Scottish Government
                    26152857/0  last accessed 10 June 2008. Whilst developers may be  2008, see
                    expected to bear their share of the costs in many cases, this is more  14draftstatement  last accessed 10 June 2008; and the final binding
                    problematic where low cost housing is necessary, or where the ‘developer’  statement under WISA will be published in September.

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