Page 14 - Lawtext Utility Law Review Journal Sample
P. 14


                          A major issue in the next price determination, and linking  generally acceptable, if not universally welcome, and the 1990s
                      directly to the introduction of competition, is the charging  PFI schemes are criticised, but not to the extent of creating
                      regime for business customers. The then-Executive consulted  real political difficulties. However, as noted in the introduction,
                      on this in late 2006,  with the intention of metering almost  water remains ‘special’, and it would be a brave politician here
                      all premises by April 2008, vital for the successful operation  who reversed the commitments to public ownership given
                      of the new suppliers. Other matters included moving surface  during the passage of WISA.  Nonetheless criticisms of SW’s
                      water drainage (but not roads drainage) from a basis of rateable  structure remain and the most common alternative suggested
                      values to banded surface areas as used in England; and then, in  is a ‘mutual’, usually with further reference to the ‘Welsh model’;
                      the pricing consultation, the identification of another £25  yet Glas Cymru is not a mutual society but a company limited
                      million of subsidies from businesses to households and also,  by guarantee. Since coming to power in May 2007, Alex
                      imbalances in tariffs within the business sector. Each of these  Salmond’s minority SNP administration has had two
                      is critical to the operation of the competitive regime. Currently,  opportunities to engage in this debate in the Scottish Parliament.
                      some £3 million in water charges are being over-recovered  In 2007, the then Labour–LibDem administration
                      from small businesses, and this may lead to increases of up to  commissioned, but did not publish, the Howat Report, which
                      30 per cent for a few large users. Similarly, there is an over-  reviewed Scottish Executive budgets.  Howat recommended
                      recovery for foul water charges and underpayments of up to  mutualisation of SW, which would save the public purse
                      10 per cent for surface water drainage and as much as 75 per  approximately £180 million per year of government lending.
                      cent for trade effluents.  This will be a significant problem  Just three weeks after winning the election, in a statement to
                      for some, and the government has now suggested that the  Parliament, John Swinney MSP, the Cabinet Minister for
                      rebalancing may need to extend till 2018 to avoid too-sharp  Finance, said that the SNP would publish the report, but would
                      increases.  The lessons of the Finance Committee report have  not adopt the mutual model. 117
                      clearly been learnt in this regard.                 ‘Mutualisation’, whatever the term may mean, might have
                          Overall, then, the period from 2000 to the present has  been thought to be a solution that had some prospect of being
                      seen dramatic changes in the financing of the water industry,  ‘sold’ to the general public as politically acceptable, and it has
                      restructuring, rationalising and the introduction of a modern  been supported by both LibDems and Conservatives in
                      and complex system for economic regulation that has made it  Scotland, so should have had reasonable prospects of success
                      possible to start to liberalise the market. It is reasonable to  in the Parliament. However, even if he had supported the
                      conclude that the public sector supplier is in much better shape,  concept, First Minister Alex Salmond has chosen his battles
                      and that service standards and other deliverables are steadily  with care. It might be possible to win parliamentary support
                      improving. Before returning to draw conclusions on the impacts  yet allow his opponents to manipulate public opinion, easily
                      of the competitive regime, it is necessary to look at one more  swayed by a potentially hostile press and not always well
                      persistent question that provides a backdrop to almost every  informed as to complex detail by that same media. Putting
                      other matter addressed in this paper – the legal structure and  matters on the agenda within the chamber that provide
                      ownership model of Scottish Water itself.        opportunities for extensive negative comment outside is
                                                                       something that the new administration doubtless wished to
                                                                       avoid, so SW remained as it has been since inception, a public
                      Mutual Benefits?                                 corporation with essentially monopoly status and dependent
                                                                       on the public purse, albeit with increasingly effective economic
                      As discussed above, in the late 1990s the political, and possibly  regulation.
                      the economic, situation was such that there was no realistic  Very recently, in the early part of 2008, the Parliament
                      possibility of the water services provider being anything other  returned to the issue, with the Conservatives introduced a
                      than a public sector entity, and the model chosen for SW was  motion calling for ‘mutualisation’.  A Labour amendment was
                      that of a public corporation. There are two main and related  agreed, supporting a review, but within a commitment to public
                      objections to the model; firstly, that the public sector is  sector ownership; yet there is an inherent contradiction between
                      inherently less efficient than the private sector, and secondly,  the public sector, and a Glas Cymru-style company limited by
                      that such heavy reliance on government borrowing is not the  guarantee, where capital will come from the private sector even
                      best use of public funds. For all of SW’s short existence, there  although there will be no shareholders, and the possibility of
                      have been arguments as to whether it would be more
                      appropriate to move to some other ownership structure. SW
                      is undoubtedly more efficient and more streamlined now, and
                      therefore of more interest to potential buyers – and lenders –  115 Scottish Parliament Stage 3 Debate on the Water Industry (Scotland)
                      in a divestiture, but political problems over such a move would  Bill available at
                      remain intense. It may well be that the public in general is  officialReports/meetingsParliament/or-02/sor0214-01.htm  last accessed
                      much less resistant to private utilities, and to utilities  10 June 2008.
                      competition, than in 1992; private utilities have provided most  116 The Budget Review Group 2006 Choices for a Purpose Review of  Scottish
                                                                       Executive  Budgets  (The Howat Report)  available at http://
                      services for nearly two decades. The current liberalisation seems  last accessed
                                                                       18 May 2008.
                                                                       117 Swinney, J, Cabinet Secretary, Statement to Parliament; Official
                                                                       Report of the Scottish Parliament 24 May 2007 Col.134 available at http:/
                      112 Scottish Executive 2006 Non-Household Water Charges: A Consultation  /
                      on Changes to the Current Charging Arrangements available at  http://  meetingsParliament/or-07/sor0524-02.htm  last accessed 10 June 2008.
              last accessed  118 Official Report of the Scottish Parliament 21 February 2008
                      10 June 2008.                                    available at
                      113 Paying for Water Services 2010–2014, Note 38 above, at 20 to 21.  meetingsParliament/or-08/sor0221-02.htm#Col6153  last accessed 10
                      114 Draft Statement, Note 11 above.              June 2008.

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