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168  16[2006/2007]4 ULR                                                 EUROPEAN CURRENT SURVEY

                    EIB reviews its financing targets for  The European Investment Bank (‘EIB’) has completed a review of its financing targets for
                    the energy sector             energy projects that help to implement the relevant EU policies. The EIB decided to focus
                    (BEI/06/115) 26 October 2006  on five target areas: large projects; energy efficiency; renewable energies; R&D for energy;
                                                  and co-operation on energy outside the EU. EIB energy lending as a percentage of its total
                                                  lending in the EU declined from 23 per cent in the 1980s to 9 per cent in the period 2000–
                                                  2005. The outcome reflects a general pattern of energy investment in the EU. Outside the
                                                  EU, the financing of energy projects represents a larger part of EIB financing in those
                                                  countries. The reprioritisation of energy in the EIB’s activities reflects EU policy on climate
                                                  change and the renewed tensions in the oil market. According to the new strategy for the
                                                  EIB Group, the EIB’s role in the EU should evolve from a universal provider of funds to
                                                  becoming a flexible partner acting with more tailor-made products adapted to local market
                                                  circumstances and to the needs of its counterparts. In partner countries outside the EU,
                                                  the objective is to better serve the development objectives by putting more emphasis on
                                                  country and other sector intervention strategies that may involve more risk-taking, coupled
                                                  with the greater availability of subsidies and closer co-operation with all relevant actors.

                    Committee of Regions welcomes EU  The Committee of Regions (‘CoR’) has presented its opinion on the European Commission’s
                    energy strategy, but insists that no  Green Paper entitled ‘A European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy’.
                    more legislation should be adopted  The opinion emphasises the need to enhance the security of energy supply, diversify energy
                    (COR/06/120) 13 October 2006  resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote the renewable energy sector. It
                                                  views favourably the Green Paper’s plea to launch an intensive debate on energy policy in
                                                  Europe and underlines the importance of developing a long-term EU energy strategy. The
                                                  CoR expresses concerns over the inadequate transposition of the Directives on liberalising
                                                  the internal gas and electricity market in many Member States. However, it rejects the idea
                                                  of setting up new administrative structures such as a European ‘energy regulator’, and
                                                  insists instead on improved co-operation between national regulators in order to achieve
                                                  the EU’s current energy objectives. Furthermore, the CoR emphasises the pioneering role
                                                  of local and regional authorities in this field, pointing to the numerous projects that have
                                                  been successfully implemented at local and regional level.

                    President Barroso and the President  The President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso and the President of
                    of Azerbaijan sign a Memorandum of  Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed a Memorandum of Understanding (‘MoU’) aimed at the
                    Understanding on energy       establishment of an energy partnership between the EU and the Republic of Azerbaijan,
                    partnership                   included since 2004 into the European Neighbourhood Policy (‘ENP’). The implementation
                    (IP/06/1516) 7 November 2006  of the MoU should ensure better integration of Azerbaijan into European energy markets,
                                                  strengthening EU energy security and developing a more efficient energy demand
                                                  management in Azerbaijan. The MoU on energy is a result of the Commission’s Green
                                                  Paper on ‘A European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy’, and the
                                                  conclusions of the European Council meetings of March and June 2006, which have underlined
                                                  the importance of the EU enhancing relations in the energy sector with its main suppliers
                                                  and transit countries, as well as extending the principles of the internal market to the ENP

                    European Commission welcomes  Energy Commissioner Andris Piebalgs welcomed the 2006 World Energy Outlook, presented
                    IEA’s World Energy Outlook as a  by the International Energy Agency (‘IEA’), as a useful tool for the preparation of the energy
                    useful tool for the development of  strategy for Europe. This emphasises the need for strong policy action in the field of energy
                    the European energy policy    on a global scale. It sets out an alternative policy scenario demonstrating that the future of
                    (IP/06/1540) 9 November 2006  energy can be substantially improved if governments around the world implement ambitious
                                                  measures in energy efficiency and in the promotion of carbon-free sources of energy. The
                                                  application of these measures could reduce global energy demand by 20 per cent in 2030,
                                                  while just a dozen specific policies in key countries, including some in the EU, could account
                                                  for 40 per cent of the reduction in global CO  emissions. In 2007, the Commission plans to
                                                  present its first strategic EU energy review. This review, announced in the Green Paper for
                                                  a Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy Policy for Europe, will be the basis for the
                                                  development of the new European energy policy.

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