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                      also a feature of Albion, where there is no realistic margin for  In the second Quality and Standards consultation,  the
                      a new entrant, but it is also possible to analyse this failure more  Executive was still focused on the need to invest to meet EC
                      broadly in terms of the regional monopoly, and vertical  standards, including drinking water quality and pollution from
                      integration, of the industry.  It is notable that the Authority is  waste water, as well as reliability of service and the levels of
                      now recommending approaches along the Scottish model, with  awareness of domestic customers. However, by the time the
                      separation of retail activities for business customers as a first  Commissioner produced the strategic review of charges in
                      stage. The English consultation goes beyond what is happening  October,  the parliamentary inquiry had reported and the rules
                      in Scotland, extending retail choice in the future to domestic  of the game had changed. Now, as noted, the emphasis was
                      customers and also suggesting unbundling of the industry, with  on the benefit from an amalgamated authority, and the
                      separation of upstream bulk abstraction. This is more reflective  significant benefits in harmonising tariffs. However, there were
                      of the structure of the industry in many other countries  and,  other features of the strategic review that indicated new areas
                      even allowing for the natural monopoly characteristics of water,  of focus in the years to come, especially the relative inefficiency
                      is more in line with the theory and practice of competition  of the industry, the lack of adequate and reliable data, and the
                      policy in other services. The Authority recognises the steps  need for better customer services and better reporting
                      being taken in Scotland as a positive example of how to  mechanisms.
                      proceed.                                            By 2004, these matters were prominent. The Parliamentary
                          The current liberalisation is a reform with significant  Finance Committee had held an inquiry into Scottish Water,
                      potential. The question is not only whether there will be an  which led to a highly critical report.  This questioned the need
                      improvement for businesses in Scotland, but whether it merits  for such high increases in prices over a short period,
                      the praise and attention it has received, in the context of the  disagreements over efficiency targets, concerns over the large
                      other, wider, difficulties facing the industry.  capital programme and general concerns over financial
                                                                       accountability and stakeholder transparency. The report was
                                                                       released just a few weeks after the Commissioner and SW had
                      Troubled Waters                                  failed to agree on the charges for 2004/5,  forcing Ministers
                                                                       to step in. The Committee did not, in the end, accept the view
                      The period between SW beginning operations and the  of two independent experts that there had been an error in
                      introduction of the new market saw much regulatory and policy  applying treasury accounting rules, but generally the report
                      activity, not all of which was or is directly related to that market  found significant problems and difficulties in the new regime.
                      and some of which may be seen as of greater long-term  The Committee welcomed a commitment by the Executive to
                      importance to the development of the sector. Much of this  consult in future not just on investment priorities, but
                      related to the perceived negative legacies of the preceding years,  specifically on the principles of charging.
                      including the capital investment programme and development  This commitment was put into effect in late 2004, when
                      constraints, operating inefficiencies, and the system of charges  the Executive released both the Q&S3 consultation on
                      – both the need for harmonisation of household charges  investment from 2006 to 2014,  and a separately, a consultation
                      discussed above, and the future of charges in the non-  on charges from 2006 to 2010,  linking directly to the next
                      household sector, including the voluntary sector. These  price determination. Whilst the investment backlog, and its
                      problems are interrelated. Meantime, periodically bubbling to  quality drivers, were still a focus, new problems were emerging
                      the surface, there has been the political and philosophical debate  – the capital programme overhang, development constraints
                      as to the very structure of the industry itself.  from both water and sewerage infrastructure, and the extent
                          The backlog of investment in the capital programme was  of cross-subsidy between user groups. These became, and
                      recognised by the Commissioner at his first interim review of  remain, dominant issues. The capital programme was running
                      charges,  and he proposed significant increases in prices over  at some £500 million per year, half of the total civil engineering
                      the two-year period, with the biggest increases in the North.  capacity in Scotland. Out of a total of £1.8 billion, some £240
                      He also announced his intention of bringing in a formal system  million has been provided for development constraints, both
                      for asset management planning, and requiring the authorities  new developments and existing housing (mainly for first time
                      to report to him in a manner analogous to the OFWAT June  sewerage). Meantime the cost of releasing all new development
                      return.  The reliability of data from SW has been an ongoing  constraints was estimated at another £1 billionn; a strategic
                      problem that has only recently seen significant improvement;  issue was how this burden should be shared between SW and
                      one example, particularly relevant to this article, is the significant  developers.
                      reduction in numbers of non-household customers prior to  In the consultation on charging, the Executive began to
                      the 2006–2010 price review. 91                   lay down the key principles within which price determinations
                                                                       would be made, and these, with the longer-term investment

                      88 See, for example, in South Africa, the Water Boards for bulk supply  92 Q&S2, Note 34 above.
                      to service providers under the National Water 1998 Act, Act No.36; in  93 WIC 2001, Strategic Review of  Charges 2002-2006 available at http://
                      Queensland Australia, various entities, both public and private, do the
                      same under the Water Act 2000, Note 54 above.    last accessed 10/6/08.
                      89 WIC 2001,Note 29 above.                       94 Scottish Parliament Finance Committee Report, Note 56 above.
                      90 Ibid., and see OFWAT  95 Scottish Executive Press Release, 3/2/04, Ministers Announce New Water
                      publish.nsf/Content/junereturn last accessed 10 June 2008.  Charges available at
                      91 WICS 2007 Stakeholder Workshop 2 Discussion Paper available at http://  02/4995  last accessed 1 June 2008.
              last  96 Quality and Standards 3, Note 35 above.
                      accessed 10/6/08.                                97 Paying for Water Services 2006-2010, Note 37 above.

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